Home Esports League of Legends Patch 9.7 changes revealed – esportsjunkie

League of Legends Patch 9.7 changes revealed – esportsjunkie

by Shehryar Raza

The latest patch of League of Legends is online. The 9.7 update targets some of the most popular champions of the meta. The developer has even targeted some in-game runes to balance the meta.

We are approaching the midpoint of the season, so none expected a big change for the game. In the 9.7, Riot made minor changes which are surely welcomed by the community since some champions were taking control of the Rift. Riot nerfed both Urgot and Kayle since the duo was wreaking havoc in the ranked games.

In the update, the community also gets nerf on The Dark Seal. While Cinderhulk which was not a popular choice in the game received a well-needed buff. Riot has also targeted the runes as wards the wards are getting an update. The changes will have a strong impact on the individual performances of the players and they will be able to pick out their own unique style of play.

Kayle nerfed, once again

The rework of Kayle proved a little too much for the Rift. Since this is the second patch in 10 where the developer has focused to “balance” Kayle. But, this time we believe that Riot has done what was really needed. In the 9.7, Riot has nerfed the late game scaling of the champion, making her more involved in the early to mid game. This means that the champion now relies more on item progression. Since previously she was an unstoppable force as soon as you max out all of her abilities.

Urgot got what he deserved

In the 9.6 patches, Urgot got some love from Riot with health buffs. However, in patch 9.7, the developers have surely reduced the popularity of the champion. The health boost proved too good, so the damage of the champion has been nerfed in 9.7. Now his passive damage won’t be as much as it was previously in the late game. While the damage of his ultimate has been nerfed in all levels. Lastly, the cooldown duration of E has been reduced. These changes will not send Urgot to the depth of the game. Yet, you will rarely see him getting picked as a first priority top-laner.

The Dark Seal was the first item pick of every mage in the game. Since it deals a great damage boost at a decent cost. Moreover, its resale value was decent enough to sell it at the later stages of the game without a noticeable difference in your gold. To target its popularity, Riot has changed its worth. Now the item grants less damage and also has less resale value. This means that it will now be a situational pick. We believe that now it will be a popular choice for the ones who want to finish their games early but will not be the first pick item for every mage.

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