Home Esports League of Legends Naafiri Teaser Reveals a New Monster Champion

League of Legends Naafiri Teaser Reveals a New Monster Champion

by Bence Loksa

League of Legends Naafiri cinematic video showcases the newest champion coming to LoL – and she’s not coming alone.

After almost more than three months since the release of Milio, Riot Games have finally released a cinematic teaser for the newest champion of League of Legends! Naafiri, the newest Darkin Assassin debuted on June 21st in a teaser called the Hounds of Iron, which you can find below!

League of Legends Naafiri Trailer: The Hounds of Iron

The Hounds of Iron reveals that Naafiri was bound to a Darkin Dagger, just like Varus to his Bow, Rhaast to his Scythe that Kayn finds later and Aatrox to his Greatsword which some poor sod picks up so that the Darkin Blade can finally find salvation by destroying everything in the World. Naafiri had a different path from his brothers, as the game’s first female Darkin didn’t possess a person – or a humanoid entity, for that fact.

While the video shows us that it was a man that initially found the Dagger, he was attacked by a pack of desert hounds, who came in contact with the Darkin weapon. While these hounds were regarded as weaker than say, a legendary warrior who are sought after by Aatrox or a Shadow Assassin disciple like Kayn, Naafiri found strength in her new pups, as she didn’t just possess one of them, but the entire pack, lead by the Alpha – Naafiri herself.

League of Legends Naafiri Abilities

While we didn’t receive any concrete abilities or even some teasers in that regard, we can deduce some things from the Cinematic. As Naafiri got the hold of hounds, we can safely assume that she will have some sort of maiming mechanic which could either be a Cripple effect or a Damage over Time/Bleed effect, both of which would help her take down squishy targets more easily – as any good Assassin should.

It would be a huge miss from Riot Games if Naafiri would fight alone in the Summoner’s Rift. While it would be impossible to implement a constant horde/pet in the confines of League of Legends – even though games like Dota can achieve that, just think of Brewmaster or Lone Druid – an ability could be reserved for the Hounds of Iron to join their leader, just like Daisy helps Ivern out, or Bel’Veth uses her Voidspawn to raze towers to the ground.

League of Legends Naafiri Ragnarök

One very interesting thing about Naafiri’s cinematic was the scene which was taken directly from the Viking Sagas of Old, as the Naafiri consumes the sun, just as Fenrir did heralding the start of Ragnarök. After she eats the star, the whole video turns dark, which could mean that she could have a Blind or Nearsight mechanic akin to Nocturne’s ultimate, Graves’ W or Quinn’s Q.

Her blades also extend at the end of the cinematic, which could either mean that she gets stronger as the game progresses, or she will be able to buff herself with a steroid – or just that Naafiri will look extremely cool.

Of course, all these “abilities” are just speculations and wishful thinking, but if any of these aspect will be implemented into the new Darkin’s kit, the 164th champion of League of Legends would be a very interesting one!

League of Legends Naafiri Release Date

Sadly, Riot Games didn’t reveal any details about when Naafiri would hit the PBE or the Live Servers. Usually, after the first trailers drop, there’s still a few weeks of public testing before a champion arrives on the live servers. The 13.13 patch is supposed to be release next week, and while we don’t believe Naafiri will be released then, she and her pack could arrive as soon as 13.14, a little over 3 weeks from now! Keep and eye on ESTNN if you don’t want to miss the newest Darkin champion of League of Legends, Naafiri!

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