Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, LCS seven-times champion is scheduled to return to Team soloMid after a 5-split team year, notes ESPN Jacob Wolf. This move is expected to take place prior to the summer 2020 break, confirming previous reports that Liquid is putting on sale the Doublelift agreement.
According to journalist and insider Travis Gafford, Team Liquid has reportedly put Yiliang’s “Doublelift” Peng on sale. If liquid part walks with the bot laner before summer Split, it ends with the four times LCS champions one split Doublelift’s 2-and-a-half year stay. According to ESPN, Doublelift “relented” in seeking his new home.
After capturing two LCS titles and becoming the league’s winning team, TSM will be familiar to him. Soren “Bjergsen” Bjerg and Vincent “Biofrost” Wang are on the roster of the 2016-2017 TSM team. Doublelift leaves Liquid after a very frustrating division when the champions then ruling finished 9th with a record of 7-11.
Doublelift also spoke on several occasions in that period about its lack of motivation, leading to his eventual banquage for three matches to replace Edward “Tactical” Ra. This move raises two questions: the bot laner is to replace the liquid dual lift, and where the current TSM ADC will go, Kasper “Kobbe,” and Kobberup.
Tactical is possibly re-claiming the starting place of AD Carry, according to the ESPN report. Kobbe is unsure about his future. The Danish played is still an import, which would severely limit his options for a new home.
Although playoffs were made, fans and management could not be happy with TSM’s performance. They finished fifth in the regular season and finished fourth in spring, making the second split in a row in the top three.
For liquids and TSM, the silver match is that the mid-sease invitation usually does not occur, which eliminates some of their poor divisions. Both teams will now look forward to rebuilding and re-entering the Summer Break.