KOI and MAD Lions met on the LEC stage to determine who would make it to the Winter Split Finals.
The Winter split saw its final match at playoffs as MAD advanced to the second Winner match.
The MAD Lions saw much success in their endurance match with SK Gaming yesterday. With their fans cheering them on, the Spanish team took on the final contender between them and the Finals: KOI.
KOI vs MAD Lions (Game 1)
With Carzzy’s Yasuo Jungle, midlane and jungle were covered with contant roams. Trymbi and Comp were able to isolate and secure first blood when Hylissang, but the real action began when KOI chased the Spanish team out of Herald side jungle. Larssen’s Tristana exercised total control over his lane while KOI took first drake. Shortly after taking another drake, MAD captured the RIft Herald to focus on turret plates and bounties to compensate. The score didn’t move at all at the midgame, so with the lead still on KOI’s side, they went in for a successful Baron before taking the siege straight to the MAD Lions Nexus.
- Teams: KOI 1 – 0 MAD
- Time: 27:33
- Kills: 22 – 8
- Turrets: 11 – 0
- Gold: 59.8k – 43.6k
- Dragons: 3 – 0
- Barons: 1 – 0
No holding back for that finals spot#LEC | #KOIUnited pic.twitter.com/iB6Ps0zvg6— KOI English (@KOIxENG) February 25, 2023
KOI vs MAD Lions (Game 2)
Larssen’s Sylas getting ganked between his team’s mid lane turrets set the tone for s very close match. Nisqy’s Gragas got removed from the board by a three-man charge and made it a tense early game. Good positioning from MAD’s bottom lane allowed their jungle to lay claim on the first air drake. Both teams contested the second drake and MAD ended up giving KOI a kill. Elyoya answered in kind with a kill of his own before taking Rift Herald.
The game saw a huge shift in momentum when MAD’s Herald crashed into both of KOI’s midlane turrets. Even with more gold, the difference in scaling let KOI find more kills when they contested for the third drake. Losing the objective kill to MAD, Malrang went straight to Nashor to keep the gold lead. And despite losing multiple teamfights, MAD Lions stood their ground and continuously applied pressure to take their fist win of the day.
- Teams: MAD 1 – 1 KOI
- Time: 35:01
- Kills: 24 – 11
- Turrets: 9 – 2
- Gold: 67.8k – 54.1k
- Dragons: 4 – 1
- Barons: 0 – 1
WHAT IS HAPPENING?! pic.twitter.com/Gn8dbtVk7O
— MAD Lions English (@MADLions_EN) February 25, 2023
KOI vs MAD Lions (Game 3)
KOI found a victorious lead in the midgame as a teamfight in botside snowballed into a solid killscore lead. A slower game had KOI play carefully around MAD’s aggressive tactics. As the action erupted on both sidelanes, it was dififcult to know which team would scale first. Ultimately, a drawn out midgame led to Carzzy and Nisqy securing most of the kills. In the tail end of the game, Chasy’s Gnar pulled off a huge game-ending play that guaranteed a teamwipe for MAD to win their second win.
- Teams: KOI 1 – 2 MAD
- Time: 31:03
- Kills: 8 – 13
- Turrets: 5 – 8
- Gold: 52.3k – 58.2k
- Dragons: 0 – 3
- Barons: 0 – 1
my heart CANNOT TAKE THIS GAME!! 🫠 pic.twitter.com/vfoVngDGXc
— MAD Lions English (@MADLions_EN) February 25, 2023
KOI vs MAD Lions (Game 4)
MAD enjoyed a very successful earlygame and played strategically around their opponent. KOI only started to close the score gap in the 10 minute mark. Well-timed crowd control from Nisqy’s Gragas high-value kills for his team while Szygenda tried to do damage control. Despite owning all of the drake objectives in the game, MAD always found a way to come out on top in every clash and owned every . As the game went on, their momentum was too strong to stop, even for Larssen and Malrang’s macroplay. The MAD Lions secured an domination victory and will be facing G2 Esports in the LEC Winter Split Finals.
- Teams: KOI 1 – 3 MAD
- Time: 29:10
- Kills: 18 – 27
- Turrets: 0 – 11
- Gold: 51.0k – 61.1k
- Dragons: 3 – 1
- Barons: 0 – 2
TRIPLE for @Nisqy!!
⁽ᵇᵒᵐᵇᵃ⁾ pic.twitter.com/yedYswJa3j
— MAD Lions English (@MADLions_EN) February 25, 2023
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