At IEM Chicago, kennyS picked up much more than just the camera…
We had a 6th member with us on the server at IEM Chicago, find out what shenanigans they got up to in our vlog! Subtitles are available in English and French!
What should the chicken’s new name be? Let us know in the comments below!
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Pascal is a good name for the chicken
They brought back a footage of Kennys picking chicks a
Girl chicken
The name of the chicken is Ken
Oleg, after the meerkat
Name it Magic Chick and it would be female chicken
I think I Will give it a name Delicious Baguette
G2 Pascal
Name: Chita
Gender: male
The name for the chicken can be Carlos
Rapuncel idk
Claude c'est bien, au moins on a pas besoin de choisir un sexe
How about Nugget?
paskal means the phrase "I am currently shitting" in Finnish.
Pascal, The Chicken
I have same chicken ?
Name for kennyS chicken: Brooky
Gender: Male
Jean-Michel will be his new name
Pour Le coq moi je dis soit Gilbert soit abdelbenmohammed comme vous voulez les potes
Ps: vous êtes les meilleurs force à vous ?? ?
Call it Henk
For the chicken name i suggest "Coq" wich means rooster/chicken in french!
Something original that you should name it is Batman
Polo the chicken
Name for the chicken: Jackz jr
Call the chicken eleonore!
I have no clue
Gertrude !!!
Let's name him Stop Soros!
Name for the chicken? Mmm maybe Chata? I dont know why but, why not? :V
Kenny is the best player and Extremly nice. Much Love Kenny
Chickenlore – Field Tested for the chicken
Name him mr cock
Appellez la "E-girl" ou "Kenny's hen" ou encore "La "pool" aux œufs d'or". Appelez le Malek ou Krl !
Name: Bert
Gender: All
Call it shonyS
Bodæt should fit perfectly on that chicken
How about Nugget as the name for the chicken?
Gertrude ou rien qu'elle mascotte quand même <3
a hilarious video. it's still a kiff to watch these videos. for the name of the chicken, I propose Harland David Sanders (this is the name of the creator of the brand kfc) and I find it rather ironic and fun since it is a cop
His name should be Carlos
RIP toutes les Pascale
be original ? so just keep it his name . pascal is good name tho . btw pascal(paskal) in malaysia actly is a national special operations force . so perfect for G2 . ?
Call the chicken Paco
Pascal is a good name
Jorgen because he got lost (pewdiepie reference)