Jankos finally gets a photo with Faker… but for Faker, it was just another day in the office. Make sure to catch up with all of our All-Star 2019 moments!
Do you have a picture with Faker? Let us know in the comments below!
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Finals this year winners of worlds next year <3
On a serious note: does anyone care for allstars? Pre seasoon right after worlds… who cares
“ my life is complete “
“ just one of those moments “
What Faker said was not special since he's doing it for 7 years. I think it was a mis-translation.
Watching this while being heavily drunk is even better. Tomorrow I'll remember little od what I watched, but I'll know it definitely was great
Guys no hate but the translator make some mistake when she translated faker word… Faker said it was like another day in the office but translator put "not important" word out of nowhere lol
when will i get my photo with jankos??
… not important ???
you forgot the one showmatch where Mikyx pulled out his legendary Jhin support vs jankos' blitzcrank and the last URF where miky played his AP Jarvan mid ?
great video still ♥️
Who edits the vids XD
HaHaHaHa two biggest retired losers in their regions, all jankos can do now is participating in commertials for 12 yo brainless kids or some shit shows like this.
Poor NA has to listen to Phreak all year long
Didn't show Caps' big brain Heimer 1v1 you sick people
3:10 is that lord dunkers?
Title should have been like:
Faker finally got photo with Jankos
Press F for Jankos
Listen G2! Every time I believe you actually can take the world cup you lose. This time I will not believe in your victory so you can show me once again that I'm wrong. I'll become the villain that you need but you don't deserve. I wish you not winning 2020 world championship!
Faker and his harem
Faker finally gets a photo with Jankos
3:07 dunkey XDDDD
wh omegalul
We all know that the german Fertigsteller carried G2s asses in mid lane.
2:50 true story
when you ban yasuo
Yassuo: OH so my R is a skillshot ? (0:58)
Can qiyana still grab water lê in 1v1 mode ?
I could watch all star's from original league's site but … G2>LOL
Faker finally gets a photo with Jankos*
wasted and turururuturururuuu that music wtf XD
Sjokz is the one who said not important, Faker said more like just another photo , different meanings
I think Faker meant "Not a big deal" instead of not important haha
playing against "NA"
actually playing against corejj and bang PepeLaugh oh no no no
Eventhough G2 lost the 1v1s I'm happy Bwipo won it. It's still in EU, baby!
Not important … xD
Love this editing, this guy should get massive raise xD
Not even close baby