Home EsportsCS:GO InGame Esports South Asia Cup for CS:GO announced in partnership with National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka » TalkEsport

InGame Esports South Asia Cup for CS:GO announced in partnership with National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka » TalkEsport

by Souhit Dey

InGame Esports along with Sri Lanka Esports Association have announced that they will be organizing the InGame Esports South Asia Cup 2020 for CS:GO in partnership with the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka. The tournament will feature South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka among its participants. The qualifiers for the event is set to kick-off from 2nd January and last till 9th January while the grand finals will be taking place in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 24th-26th January 2020. The qualifiers are open to all the eligible South Asian countries where the winning team from each country will fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka and play the final play-offs for a chance at winning the prize pool worth $10,000.

The registration process is live for the event, and the matches will be played exclusively on the FACEIT client for the tournament. The only restriction for the registering teams is fact that a minimum of three players from the team must belong to the same South Asian country the team hopes to represent.

Click here to register.

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