BANG BANG BANG! Our Best of 5 deciding series against Cloud9 was definitely explosive and now, you can enjoy the behind-the-scenes. Join Rizzo, JKnaps, and Chicago behind the scenes in their final RLCS round robin match against Cloud9 to earn their spot at the World Championship.
Just how awkward was it? Let us know in the comments below!
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I wanna see the coms for when they got 4-0
This is why we get so many game 5s
This aged well.
Was listening to NRG's couple of day ago and they were screwing around lol…i guess after hearing G2, its a common thing xD
Please do more of this lol
Hahaha love the comms
I thought comms were serious in RLCS lmao
Hahahhahaha let's go
"Shitters" ?
RLCS should have a Mic'd Up segment. Where they show comms for one team each week. Even better would be highlights from comms of every team
Saying awkward so many times is awkward
can we get some rizzo shuffle at the end?
I love the rocket league squad. wish they were featured on the channel more but RL just has lower views than LoL.
Torment's not in net, just gimmick??
More of this type of rl content
Lmfao i thought it was serious talks but theyre chill
Rizzo is toxic
I thought that there would be way more screaming on g2s half
G2 eSports? More like Geez 2 Awkward!
Is it possible to get that G2 skin as a normal player?
It's gonna be funny to see them lose first 2 series in 3 straight RLCS LANs
I swear these guys are all jokes, but they get the win so if it works I guess
Who am I kidding my comms are just as bad lmao
Please make more videos like this one!!!
Love it
The sadness in their voices when squishy scored that double tap lmao.
BANG BANG BANG!! most funny shit ive ever seen xddd more like this
I expected something same from rizzo
Now that I know what pro comms looks like… I'm disappointed it's too normal and basic
Would love to see more of this type of content! Super interesting to hear what exactly was going on during such an intense match!
Dickhead jknaps
G2 > skt
Definitely need more vids like this. Always wanted the coms side of professional RL
They are so chill and so awkward??
2:52 – 3:07 awkward counter was updated to 9 twice
Dang I wanted to hear what the coms sounded like for the own goal that lost them game 3 lol
I love how hyped they are, can’t wait to see them at LAN
Squishi we neeeeed you noooow
This is content
This is nice, more of this