Crown’s 2020 season has been terrible. He’s been called one of NA’s worst mid laners, getting kicked mid-way through Spring.
But, when he came to NA in 2019, he was a world Champion. He’d reached the top of his craft, achieving the greatest prize in League of Legends.
Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Written by: Malcolm Abbas (@Smashhh)
Thumbnail by: Brandon Mistele
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
Filmed by: Matthew Massey
All Footage Courtesy of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Absolutely pointless video
I shifted on idolizing crown from faker after they lost the 2016 worlds and would make the biggest comeback at 2017. For me that 2017 crown was different in a sense that he was more of a mid utility that can support all lanes and not the crown who used to kill faker a lot. But 2020 is bringing crown to that faker killer thing that he is not used to anymore. So I think if CLG can utilize him being the mid utility he was during that 2017 season and I think everything will come into place.
You can tell Thescore is running out of content when they write about a player on the worst team in NALCS….
Those facecheck flames in the beginning lmao, also he joined NA ofc he tanks his career
Crown was good but, let's face it, he didn't play with the top of the players of the League, having any chemistry at all with your team is unacceptable for a professional player.
But any of them seemed to have any chemistry at all with each other, every CLG game looked like a pro team against a SoloQ one
Honestly it was disgusting on how many people insulted him at Inven and all other social media for playing a point and click champion during their win against SKT. As well as, SKT fanbois being salty and stating SSG didn't deserved to win etc. I remember there was a documentary Lol esports made when he joined optic he stated "He wants to find happiness". That really hit deep. I hope he does.
We may notice he has problem. But, will he got same problem if he play Dota 2 tho?
Please don't shit on Crown, he's been through enough
This is nice but here we go again is it nice as dota2?!
Don’t chase money lesson learned
Man this tears….. as someone whos been a big fan of ssg it is realy hard to see crown struggling alot. Hey champ may you never see this comment but i know u will prove yourself again just what like derick rose did
i really miss ssg2017
He needs more women in his life to help him deal with his emotional and mental scars
The problem is, he cares too much about what others think of him. But he's a fighter, "never let the words of the mass sway your conviction." -just a gamer.
I think he goes back to KR. He's still got decent mechanics, he just clearly cannot play in NA's style, especially with the language barrier. The only other korean speaker on CLG is Ruin
I don't play league, but this made it sound like all he needs is a team he can actually talk to and he'll do great?
yo dont talk shit about ma boi Crown if he won something you can already tell hes an amazing player give him some love not this im soo against the idea of the this video this man is amazing a league player and u should't dare talk shit about him
Just called my boy POB a midlaner that couldn't find a starting spot. Its orgs with dumbass front offices that didn't take notice.
rookie with consistent individual greatness? what?
Still waiting for that Jerax story
"He's been called one of the worst midlaners" Bruh…you okay? The guys insane. Just because he has a bad period,it doesn't mean he's a bad player. This "Worst midlaner" is a World's champion,put some respect on his name. This video was just a bad idea. Should've gave it more time to see will/when he bounces back,and then do it. He's already on the ground,don't be kicking him.
what happened to Crown ? he joind LCS.
The commentators calling him trash makes me so mad… Like do they really know what is going on in his head?
CLG sucks. They never engage with Crown they just let him die