When Korea rose up to dominate League of Legends, it looked like Europe could be in for a long wait.
They were looking for the next big player, even as some of their best left for other regions. They were hoping for a sign that Korea was not invincible.
They found it, in a cocky, confident and carefree superstar. A player who rose the challenge the greatest forces in his game, then did it again, in his second position.
Europe found its future in Perkz. This is his story.
Written by: Josh Bury (@ThrownGauntlet)
Edited and Voiced by: Sebastien Martin-Schultz (@Seb_dot)
Animation by: Fermin Mulett
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
Footage Courtesy of:
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perkz really the goat for switching roles and exposing everyone to how easy adc is lmao
20:21 is there someone that knows the song?
Probably the most dedicated player, and last to carry an ENTIRE TEAM in the West!
I cant wait when in worlds finals when G2 3:0 LPL 1st seed, the casters will shout:G2 FINALLY DONE IT, THEY COMPLITED THE GRAMDSLAM, G2 ARE YOUR WORLD CHAMPIOOONS!!!
whats the song at 14:00?
He does whatever he wants. Other than winning Worlds in 2019 XDD
Man, your content is Just awesome
UMA JAN monkaW
So Perkz was scared of caps, he decided to team up with him

I hate the choices of music for the montages, the choices are usually great, so I don’t get why you’d suddenly decide this crap is what is needed.
This guy is the most expensiv player besides faker maybe just because he plays to roles professionally
I seriously got goosebumps from the intro, especially "Where were you when the west rose up!"
I am so glad we have channels like TheScore in esports. They bring so much value and information to fans and players all over the world.
Awesome content and video of the best player in the West! Thank you!
What's the guitar song that plays when G2 loses to FPX?
i mean caps is better but unstable
just dont sub
4:36 ryu
Except win worlds i guess
His interview after winning RNG is proof enough to tell that he just wanna play his game
"I just want to be human again" man how hard have I shred into tears when I first heard him say that…
The music in this video is honestly boppin hard
“Korean powerhouse Griffin” yikes
He does everything but win worlds
Great video, more like this for sure
no mentions about how he was incredibly toxic and cocky & hence hated by many eh?
personally i hate his attitude and arrogant personality and But i support G2 for Jankos and a bit for Mikyx!
He is by far one of the most controversial players due to the highly polarised nature of League fans' opinion of him.
I think that is a big part of his success that you guys have not mentioned, he thrives on haters.
Hey he was a wrestler hell yea
I always come near to crying when somebody talks about worlds 2019
tears were shed
Cringe title
A true legend and an inspiration who deserves every bit of credit he gets. Best of luck for what is yet to come!
win worlds ya scrub
This is very motivational i had doubts about if i could make a pro lcs career being in highschool and living in a mid-western farming town. We don't even have a esports club here, but once quarantine is over, you damn right ill be turning heads someday.
I do feel more needs to be said about the coaches that were with the team at each stage. Youngbuck is so good, then with him switching to Fnatic it meant G2 were in a transitional period with Grabbz and the rest of the new team. After that I think Grabbz has really shown he knows what his role is and how he can get the best from these players.
How a team develops around a player and under different coaches is just as important as what a player chooses to work on and do personally I think
'' tho I actually got it from the random name generator''
Why are Asian team names so odd? Royal never give up? Fun plus Phoenix? Like the hell are these names. Might as well be named Wet Cardboard.
Zagreb serbia ???
Just removing yourself from reality to able to watch this. But nice lies for a good storyline.
Uma Jan number 1!
He legit looks like kuroky
perkz used to be so good looking fucken MPB man
Hope there can be more documentary for LPL teams/players, this is a region that is super overlooked at international scale, to the point where many casters put out misinformation due to lack of understanding of the region, that is sad.
Where was Perkz getting wrecked by Rookie in 2018
You mean Caps?
AHAHAHAahaAHa XD ,, yeah TRY BOTLANE and see how it FEELS!"
perkZ : ,,feels good?! what were the excuses again??^.-?"
The best in the west :')
What’s weird to me is they would swap roles after completely smashing people and were in the last match. Makes no sense. If they don’t get 2nd or first this year it was a bad mistake
No one mentioned heimerdinger in that rng series and how their butland managed to survive uzi long enough that perkz could carry