So back in April, Rainbow Six Siege esports was having a bit of a panic attack.
NDAs were broken, entire pro league rosters were dropped and a few orgs left the scene. It was a mess, and we reported on it.
And now, the pro player at the center of it all has been banned from everything related to Ubisoft for an entire year and nobody knows why.
Let’s break down what’s going on.
Written and Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Matt Massey
All Footage Courtesy Of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Why do you guys think Ubisoft banned Hyena?
this is messed up,ubi needs to unban him
You didn’t introduce yourself
Why does it feel like Ubisoft Devs are just bots and their doing nothing that is urgently needed?? While they should be human and doing what is URGENTLY needed to be fixed (and not just in-game as well??)
this is why i dont play or pay for r6
I wish i have those books this quarantine..
Siege is dead af
Watch Hyena go into another pro scene and Ubisoft regret their decision
Scalped's a good title
whats an NDA?
I like how he never blamed LG. Luminosity are the ones who fucked them over but nope it's somehow ubisoft's fault.
Bro that tiered incentive is absolute BS. A team is giving Ubisoft free sponsorship and now they’re losing more money to them for the merch based off of their team!?
good call ubi
if it was because of the NDA wouldn't they have pursued legal action instead of a ban? personally i think its what he said about the guy that directed the scene but what do i know
Well made video guys but please title the video better. It sounds really negative and worse than the situation actually is.
Wow, talk about your first world problems. Quick, somebody set up a rescue fund so the guy doesn't starve.! Ffs
Yes yes yes yesyes
I don't.. get this video. The guy broke an NDA. That's like breaking a contract. Of course there will be repercussions. Or did I not catch something?
Lemme guess; he called them out but he also said something stupid which got him banned so now he’s the victim? Why does this channel always stand up for every idiot who gets themselves banned for obvious reasons? Is the clickbait worth that much to you?
He did break an NDA hes lucky that all that happened to him
Isn’t his NDA with luminosity not Ubisoft?
Bro am I the only one who deleted siege right now. Like god damm its rage simulator now. Might come back if they fix the problems.
I thought they banned Lesion. :v
Ok so we do know why?
Why do you think ubisoft banned lesion
He broke an NDA, he's lucky that he only got banned for a year from anything associated to UBI.
Would be reasonable to give him a lifetime ban and pursue legal action.
Good! He acted extremely unprofessional and deserves the ban. I understand that he was angry but he should have been more respectful toward the developers. The players direct so much hostility to the devs that they do not deserve. There’s no other scene like this, everyone else gives the devs respect. Disrespecting the developers of the game you make a living from should carry heavy consequences.
When Ubisoft are starting to become worse than EA
He broke an NDA… No shit they banned him for a year
I forgot Siege had esports scene.
Hell, I forgot Ubisoft had esports scene.
Love how this channel only reports on the negative things around the game. Way to use your platform to bring down the reputation of a game and a community.
He killed his eSport career when he said "fuck an NDA"
not surprising he's banned

He broke an NDA. What does he expect. Also when he said “F and NDA his parents didn’t raise him like that” so apparently his parents raised him to break contracts
Bro your hands. Please chill. All I can see is your hands flailing in the lens of the Nikon. Lmao
Remember, Ubisoft banns people for bad language alongside releasing stick of truth and fractured but whole. Nothing makes sense with a corporation this ass backwards
That woman behind u is freaking me out
RIP hyena he put his time and effort into playing this game and ubi just bans him
Magic the Gathering did something worse. They banned one of the top players (Austin Bursavich) when he tweeted that he learned that the pro league matches would be played on Magic the Gathering: Arena and refused to reveal where he got the information from. The MTG:A players learned about this long before the official announcements.
As a european gold player (who plays most of the time drunk) i can say:
Siege is not fked, It's just bad for boys who care about their rank and for NA PL.
I actually never met a cheater/lobby freezer/whatever this season, the 20-second-meta does not apply and i nearly never have "gamebreaking" bugs. The EU challenger and Pro league looks fine to me as well.
Ubi fked up NA PL with the LAN-concept with org supported teams only. That's what broke LGs and EGs commitment to this game. That's what fked player like Hyena. Hypothetical: Whats the point of them still living their NDA? – They are out anyways. Don't blame the players who got kicked out of a system that values money higher than skill.
He broke an NDA…Im shocked it took this long for ubisoft to do something against him. No matter how shitty it might be if you signed the NDA then open your mouth you're pretty much saying "ruin my next few months/years" Because they can really do anything they can at that point. This whole thing between the orgs/players and ubisoft seems alot bigger then it actually is. If ubisoft is doing ESport changes anyway and the teams need to either relocate or agree to new terms thats between the org and ubisoft to figure out. IMO Hyena made the whole situation even worse and harder for the org and himself.
I thought it was gonna be pingu ngl
Rainbow is boo boo anyways if i could refund my accnt i would without a heartbeat this game has died