It has been a fantastic year for the G2 League of Legends team, but for Mikyx it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. In this interview, he shares the challenges and troubles he has had to face in dealing with his injury.
Which was your favourite play from Mikyx this split? Let us know down below!
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G2 when you will understand that need subs… i dont understand what he is talking…What heppened with his hand?
If i wanted to do a parody about an injured player this is how i would do it lol. The sad music. How he holds the spoon or opens the door . This seems so over the top. Definetly laughed sry
How did he hurt???
Is it really that serious, Miky? Poor boy! He is a hero to play even 2 games a day… May be you should just stop playing at all for 1 or 2 months. Your hands ARE your profession and you are soooo good at what you do, so just give yourself a break and see some good specialists! MSI si not the end of the world. Worlds is what matters, right? Get ready for it, m8! We all count on you!
I hope he'll be fine for MSI
Good thing that half of MSI is the play-in cause rito design and he'll have more time to recover #g2army #ocelotevotavox
Nobody is caring about his jerk off difficulties
Get well soon! <3
Who ill play at msi? Miky or pro miss q
Dude, Mikyx
I hope you get better as time goes, and can recover fully, I really do.
lets hope he can heal so he can be a possible world champion this year lets go G2!
Man this is really sad… I don't know anything about wrist injuries, but is there no cure or fix for this?
Take my energy mikyx, get well soon
Typical no hand support main
YOU CAN TAKE MY HANDS ( i suck at lol, so There wiil be no lost for me XD )
Jankos XD
This is Jankos smurf
I hope G2 got him some prostitutes, damn man can't even masturbate.
Has this been recorded before or after the finals? Is he better now?
If johnny sins gets a penis injury what would be his new job ?
G2 Mikyx signed by Real Madrid
Mikyyyyyyyyx get well asap <3
tbh whats the screensaver at 1:08?
1:46 wtf
Ough I'm so sad now ;-;
Get well, Miky!
Poor Miks
i hope he has a fast recovery
you deserve to shine at the MSI

other G2 members, take good care of Miks
Luckely the finals was 3-0
Jankos Father
get new hands
You can't play… you can't eat propely… but you still can watch anime
Now you can become a pro anime watcher xD
Get well soon Miky, you are strong #G2Army
To jest dzankos smurf
that was so sad until i saw Jankos
Much love – #KeepfeedingMikyx until his hand is fully 110%. We don't wont to see a amazing player rush back and make the wrist worse. As a fan I wish all of G2 to give him all the support and if doctors is need to help him. Keep believing in Mikyx and run and play football at mean time and do stuff you love. Focus on what you can do now and you will come back stronger then ever. We are cable of doing more than we think, take the step and don't say no to stuff that is cause is not supposed to be easy always or to things we haven't tried. Lets go Mikyx!
Do u think the mickyx situation would make g2 a lot weaker coming into MSI?
Do u think the mickyx situation would make g2 a lot weaker coming into MSI?
yeah so his teeth are yellow. it seems he really can't brush his teeth. they are bit less yellow than jankos's teeth however. but still, maybe perkz can brush his teeth? edit: ah shit i was writing that at 1:45. at 1:49 I see that jankos is actually feeding him.
Miky I'm so so sorry… It must be really hard for you. Take a huge rest and then comeback to us, because we all love you, and we will always love you, and believing in you!!!
Ocelote, uno de los mayores trolls de la historia, se dejó de hablar del headshot que le metió a lolito y ahora se aburre xd
Chi mette dislike è perché non tifa veramente i G2 a 360 gradi
Lo de jankos dandole de comer es el equivalente a los perros follando
Mikyx! drink as fast as possible the helth potion
Now I understand why Jankos use to feed in the summoner Rift Kappa