It’s hammer time! If your sledgehammer skills are rusty, Pengu has all the tips and tricks to help you Git Gud with Sledge on Coastline. Learn how to open lines-of-sight, secure a bombsite and destroy Carlos’s Beach House!
If these tips aren’t enough for you to git gud, be sure to pick up the G2 Sledge bundle in the in-game store for an extra elo boost!
What is your best sledge tactic? Let us know in the comments below!
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So tired lol
Background music ruined it all thanks G2
Bad Editing
What baffles me is when a sledge or buck uses flashes
"gReNaDes ArE LiMiTeD"
Would buy it but im not a sledge user/main but still like watching u guys
I bought the skin. wish the SMG-11 got the skin, as that is my favorite gun. But it is the best buy in the game ever
shows g2's sledge but not rouge's buck
More ;-;
Love these videos
Are we not gonna talk about the fact that pengu presses w with his index finger
Looks like a new sponsor
Give me money and i will buy the g2 sledge skin
Who knew wooden barricades would cost 2k dollars
Quick question but do the Charms glow. ?
Pratice makes perfect
The dislikes are Australians liking the video
I need someone who can play with me, I'm so noob right now
sledge vs buck?
Pengu looks tired man..
Pengu: "talks about destruction with sledge"
Also Pengu: counting reperations while destroying coastline
I Love The G2 Skin #G2Army
Roses are red
Violets are blue
No one cares if you’re first
Just watch G2
When does pro league season x starts
Are we not gonna talk about the fact that
1. Pengu is playing on Shas' account
2. Shas has flashes preset on sledge
Daddy Pengu
Lol. First game after laying this vid got coast line as a map
Pengu: "Frag Grenades are strong."
Also Pengu: Runs Flash Grenades
Just playing, love you guys hope to see you guys at S.I 2020.
That’s why I ban sledge in rank
I’m a castle main ?
This video is sooooooo over-edited, love the actual content, but the editing is so distracting from what he's saying
Pengu: talks about grenades
Also Pengu: has stuns
Pengu my Idol <3
say hi to pengu from me
I would of bought the G2 skin if the smg received a skin…
git gud…. you wont
Anyone else hoping Pengu broke the hammer?
go go virtus pro
Ty pengu
I love the thumbs up ratio to views
Hi g2 I'm a big fan
i was here
Started watching 10 seconds after upload