From hiding strats, to giving them out for free! Our Rainbow 6 Siege team sits down and runs through one of their favourite Oregon defence strats. Watch and learn, then grab your team, head to the basement and get some easy wins!
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more vids like this pls!!!
where is mira strats
pffft strats no wonder i cant get out of gold one. the only way to succed now is to do stupid stuff and win gun fights. this is how i can finally get back to plat ?
I thought it was gonna be the typical mira closet strat – so glad it wasnt
goga <3
Nice but sad that oregon is not in mappool anymore
Niicceee. Do more
Maybe someone from Team Empire or NaVi should show you how to get good in Pro League.
Pls do it on esl Maps
Why Oregon?
Thx a lot, I can’t wait to play on this map with my team!
Giving strats cause it isnt a pro league map anymore
@G2ESPORTS what about the attack!!! P.S: I love this kind of videos pls upload more of it
Operator bans are in ranked
That Teamkill xD. 2:58
Why did goga destry the mute though?
Fabion and pengu are OP
Fuck uuno
I love Fabian and all but was he farting secretly, look at his face twitches. 4:40
Where is the G2 r6s channel?
tell me how to attack for area 51?
loving this series ! keep it up !
I wonder if the reason they’re struggling to explain where some things go is because the callouts they had on Oregon were so strange that no one would understand them.
Si Si I approve this strat.
I bet the other teams are watching this and studying G2
Who else thinks they should have a G2 R6 Channel ??
Ily this thank you guys
Hagan un video en español pleace
This video is oddly convenient for me
Only 2 stars, why , you have 3 majors.
But the shirt is so cool