It’s time to work out once and for all, who is the best Vayne! Join us as Wunder and jankos, face off against Caps and Perkz to determine the best Vayne player in G2!
Was including a support a good idea? Or should it have been an all out 1v1? Let us know in the comments!
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Caps : I'll get you.
Wunder : Fuck you!
Holy poggers!!!
Love from Viet Nam
Perkz face in the intro.
He really wanted to be one of the vayne players instead of one of the supports.
Wunder wears his headset on the wrong side…
If they had a good videographer this content could be perfect!
(for the recording part i mean, the edit is good)
Clicking intensifies.
morgana: jankos vs mikyx go go!
Caps and perkz cheated
They're so cute I can't even
that feeling when caps gets more hyped about winning Vayne Glory against Wunder, then beating Team Liqiud in the MSI finals
2:27 average lol player reaction when he lose the level 2 fight in the botlane
You could add more shots like this one
I'm begging for that 1v1v1 ryze in G2!
It's funny to see them like this. They look pretty much like friends, even if there is winners and loosers. Wunder
mouse reported all four of them for harrasment
Dear lord, does anybody know the masterpiece of the last few seconds of the vid? looks like TSFM of something but is so epic music…
0:37 clicking INTENSIFIES!!!!
I dont get it, Perkz died earlier than Wunder, so why he have won?
This team has the most badass intro of all damn teams globally
2:16 Han Sama gets flashbacks
Hey guys, your dynamic is great to see. You're a really lovable team and we wish you all the best coming year!
Still better reactions from the team than MSI finals.
I am so fucking mad"
"Yay we are happy!" xD
2018 Jankos: please riot, nerf funnel so i don't have to play braum every game
2019 Jankos: forced to play alistar on a 2v2