Not even closeeeeee. We took to the rift against Fnatic in our first playoff series of the LEC Summer split and to say it was nerve-racking would be an understatement! With questionable TP’s, impressive juking skills and the second fastest game in LEC history, catch all the moments that locked our place in the upcoming Athens final.
Will we take it home cleanly with a quick 3-0 in the final? Let us know your score predictions in the comments below!
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That bois just trolled first two games xD
please show us the voice
Calling it now. FNC will lose 3-2 to Schalke and Schalke vs G2 Finals in Athens where G2 will 3-0 Schalke and qualify as 1st seed for Worlds 2019 and Fnatic will come in as second seed. 3rd seed is up for grabs and it can be anyone’s game tbh. I think Splyce have a chance to come back and show us why they deserve the 3rd seed at Worlds.
perfect song
some real therussianbadger energy
Lec has the most cringey casters
In game 3 i was like "Yes riot we definitely needed more oceans…" that dragon rng sucks dick even though they won because of that
Would be funny if Rekkles stomps with Karma in a decisive game against Perkz so that “karma is gonna get me” comes true
Wunder Akali 1v2 not in this vid? It was such class that play
Honestly that 2v1 mid by Caps on Syndra is so disgusting
VCS VietNam is waiting for you guys in the tournament in the biggest stage. Remember the MIS 2019 …………………. I'm just joking 😀
IT was Jankos DŻankos Smurf
Now G2 should really be careful (mostly Perkz), even more if in final Fanatic plays Karma. As it might hit him hard 🙂 GZ G2!
Imagine being a hater of G2 just for being the best team ever hahah
2:15 Oh God, I wish one day be just as good as Mikyx
You guys gave me 3 heart attacks plz no more my heart can't take this
Cant wait for the voice comms
Fnatic has such weak mental, look at them after losing game 3 while g2 still laughed being 0:2 down xD
Waiting for the voice coms
GG G2 Great content
After watching this madness live, i was waiting for this video 😀
mic check plz
1:53 who else read nigga
1:50 look at the stats and tell me who is real support jankos or mikyx?
so sad ):