If you think they can only dominate one game, think again! Join Pengu, Goga, and Kantoraketti as they prove their champion status in yet another title, Apex Legends.
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Best advice at the end ?
Can I get a mufuggin uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh…..
K A N T O R O K E T T I ? ?
Wheres Fabian?
This game is the reason why pengu thinks 1 shot headshot is op
10:00 where can I get that drink bottle it’s amazing
Time to eat a lot of food so i can be like kanto
6:53 when you firing squad a hopeless guy
how am i supposed to look at three screens at once
Illlegal spawnpeek
Pengu is somthing els
2:18 Pengu using a peacekeeper at 10 meters with no perks or sight 20 Damage
When I use it with a fucking precision choke at 2 meters and a golden sight 7 damage
Does G2 plan on making an Apex Legends pro team?
Pengu playing with flatline why wasnt he using mozembique…
Do they play on stretch screen or native ??
Goga in the thumbnail?
E w la figa dico io
Pengu be funny
Lmao goga in that thumbnail
Drink everytime Pengu says bois
Чисто питухи
Kanto in this thumbnail ???
fabian and jonas triggered by trio gameplay
Ay lmao everyone knows Fabian is never going to play this let alone with these bois ?
The dislike are from faze clan
How do pengu play streched without blackbars?
If they don’t make it main stage in the next major we know why
I just wanna have a kid with kanto
R6 strats lol..
Pengu play bloodhound!!! I love you guys and Fabian a GOD!!!
Ngl I don’t like apex it looks pretty bad
How to train your kanto
Well, time to eat more!
The thumbnail is amazing
Kantohound ?
jesus fucking christ this recording quality is fucking shiiiiit! bro like just send the files to me I would be able to do edit this 10x the quality of this at least
Kanto really does not have any sense of humour, does he? :/
If you're gonna do videos that are majority gameplay, pls upload in 60 fps ??
Kanto is hot
pengu : we gonna pick smoke operator and use blood hound to see through smoke
Me : are we gonna see Glaz strat gameplay PogU
Yeah, Kanto is slightly above average, I think.
where can i buy a kantoraketti?
Stay in your lane
I know aiming is similar between games but it always seems like pros are able to get a consistent sensitivity in whatever game they play. ?
Nice Vid