Luckily the videos hit 50,000 likes, right David? Go behind the scenes of G2 Owns Spain and discover how we shot the announcement videos for our newest Spanish creators!
What was your favorite moment from the video? Let us know in the comments below!
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¡Grandes los de lag. ahí!
Cmon guys lets save Davids job
david: "if you reach 50,000 youll colour your hair like the same colour im going to get."
ibai: "no no no no no pls"
carlos, the chad: "leave the man alone, his hair is still growing"
Fs in chat for ibai's hair
Ha triplicado el número de retuits y visualizaciones, y más que doblado el de likes. #Yikes
Where's the part where ocelote were chasing a car because a kid recorded ibai with g2 t-shirt?
G2 is best org in EU BUT xPeke >>> ocelote always <3
Puede que gracias a ti el mundo del e sport en España avance, tenemos talento pero nadie para explotarlo, eres grande Carlos
36.000 RTs, 130.000 likes, 3.2M views. Te quedaste a medias ibai XDD
Pensaba que iban ser las tomas falsas con oce corriendo detras del coche del niño
Naaaa asi se hace historia G2 ánimo no falta mucho para un MUNDIAL de lol y ver esas skins de samuráis y con los mejores rooters de eu habla española o.O like para Seguir existiendo
falta tyler1 nomas, asi hay 2 calvos
Dominio total del mundooo CUIDADOOOOOOO
G2 the best
Adios David jajaj
Oce con el puto Dream Team
ty iker por no leakear
Love seeing how far G2 has come, I remember Perkz carrying in Challanger in 2015. Best org ever!
G2 best org
Next president of Spain: ebay.
Imagine being a fnatic fan in 2020
this one is fresh