Scrub Killa talks a lot of shit — but he’s proven time and time again that he can back it up.
Whether he’s dumpstering pros in 1v1 matches or scoring insane last second goals, Scrub Killa never lets what he’s best known for mess with his game-play.
He’s cocky, maybe even a little bit toxic, but he’s also the youngest Rocket League World Champion ever.
Written by: Alina Sotula (@ASotula)
Edited by: Connor Dunn (@ConnorDunn_)
Hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Scrub was the MVP when they won LAN, He was the best at last season for RV.
Alpha is nuts but scrub is a LAN boy, he's there when he needs to.
I would rather see Kaydop improving his English.
RV will be a favourite next season and Scrub will be the best free agent you can get. Would have loved to see him at Barcelona or PSG.
Will be mousesports.
Kuxir and Scrub together could work aswell.
Too early. Who knows where he will be next season?
what is rocket league?
Why is Shogun speaking in an American accent for this?
yay a rocket league video
I would've called the docu: 'From scrub to killa'
Either way gonna watch it
We need more Rocket League videos…
Kicking your best player because he isn't french…..
Probaly Tyler1s kid on accident
He can back his shit talking up based on skill in a game huh? Kid would of been killed in my town by now. Hahah
Next rl video talk about garrettg, took him three years to win the world championship and he never gave up, easily one of the goats
Damn to me Vitality was the dream team, it sucks that he wont be with them anymore, but I wish them all the best and hope to see them next season
Literally almost missed that open goal that was beautifully set up by his teammates like what did he even do for that goal besides get set up perfectly and almost miss
Whenever you do a rl video. (Once in 3 months) you are sucking vitality's and c9's dicks… There are teams except those two teams with greater stories.
Thanks for finally making anoyher RL vid, I've been hoping for one
You should talk about Turbopolsa or GarretG next.
Really good video as always! I really enjoy the rocket league content!
Turbopolsa or GarretG definitely deserve a video
Scrub is gonna win it all again, this time with Kux <3
You guys should do a vid on justin, i dont remember the team he's on but he has ine of the most iconic goals in the RCL, but thats just my opinion. Keep it up guys ?
I had said Scrub deserved to be rookie of the year in the awards video… This more than makes up for it.