Home Videos FaZe Clan Ran a Skin Gambling Site to Pay for Their CS:GO Team

FaZe Clan Ran a Skin Gambling Site to Pay for Their CS:GO Team

by devaccess

Welcome to Clouted, episode 13.

This week on the internet FaZe Banks admitted to running a skin gambling website to help the org buy their CS:GO team, we got a massive Valorant patch, more CS and Overwatch pros jumped ship for the game, the Doublelift and TSM drama is heating up even more and Riot Games said they’re going to do something about the problems with League of Legends solo queue.

We’ve got all the news for you on our newest episode of Clouted.

Written & Hosted by: Keith Capstick (@keithcapstick) and Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited & Shot by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)

All Footage Courtesy:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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Keith Capstick May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

If you're looking for more content from us make sure to shoot us a follow on Twitch at Twitch.tv/theScoreesports. You can check out Devin trying to frag this Friday May 14 during our CS:GO stream from 10am – 2pm est. See you in the chat!

SukoSeiti May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

This is all that you gonna cover about TSM drama? I expected a whole lot more about this channel, but you guys went into a shitty boomer version of DeFranco's show, where nothing is actually in depth.

Que_RS May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

keith capstick stays stoned af. Enjoying the Quarantine brother!

CK_32 May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Seriously can’t wait until Valorant dies like realm royal, PUBG and all these other half ass “next big title games” do. When people only play because all the top streamers play it for a couple months.

Arcully May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

We just need Devin Jones who tf is this other guy

RezaQin May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

No one is forcing anyone to gamble for skins.

OC3AN May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Tsm should just sign the guy for a month.

Irgel Enriquez May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

THIS IS WHY RIOT GAMES IS BETTER THAN VALVE. Valve announced a heavy amount of updates on CSGO when VALORANT/PROJECT A was released. Plus the Source2 update coming in quickly is surreal for all of the CSGO casual players and Pro's. RIOT GAMES ADDRESSES THE CONCERNS OF THEIR COMMUNITY FOR IT TO GROW. Check League of Legends and Valorant now. VALORANT on closed beta already has an open tournament. When in terms of valve loses it shit for not being concerned about their casual players.

Correct May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

faze clan done so much shady shit bro.

you guys need to cover that time they scamed everyone back in the day
when they made people donate to the game they never made

ManBirdWatching May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

How is Faze Banks not still helping with the teams? Why would you say that? lol

Andrew Harvey May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

If you google "CS:Go Skin gambling website owner", Faze Banks was always the image you got

Andrew Harvey May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

He said $100k, not $150k Devin, get it right bro

benchan16 May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

The TSM situation isnt conflict of interest, but rather an info security issue.

K R May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

nice tee milkshks 🙂

Mike Keating May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

If valerent was a full release game it would take months to make changes due to all the legal bullshit ..
Why do you think fortnite is still considered a " beta release "…lol

Callan McPherson May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

So disgusting that keith would make excuses for someone that bribed government officals and scammed kids. Just because he isnt that big an esports guy now. Honestly the worst take on the situation. Like the fact you barley mention how kids were targeted is misleading and just you guys trying to cover for faze. Honestly where is your integrity

(For clarity to go to another country and giving a government offical $150,000 for a license that you need to be living in the country to get is bribery)

Virtual World May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

I actually have no issues with if it's true that it was done completely legally as Banks said. It was so they could afford a CSGO team so I don't have an issue with it.

Virtual World May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

I mean shit I would've ran it too.

Deidryt May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Stop using "Conflict of Interest" incorrectly. That we heard the conversation from the TSM president over a stream is in no way a "Conflict of Interest" as the video suggests — it is just a hot mike and comments being caught.

Kaden B May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Lina is right about dardoch tho lol

MFNovaldo May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Ahh the Clout Clan

Cochino May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

This YouTube apps comment section update section is really bad.

Daniel Karere May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Devin out here rocking Bone Thugs Gear

Mathieu Castro May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

People cheering for FaZe taking advantage of people…

Blight knight9 May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

League of legends solo que is not tame what do you mean. If solo que was tame I would be platinum and not hard stuck silver because of griefers/trolls/inters and my main account that is worth $500 dollars wouldn’t be perma banned

Mike Whitten May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

banks literally gave valve every bit of information they needed to build a case against them. gave them a time frame, daily income, and how they did it. wont be surprised if valve removes their rights to play competitive CSGO and sues them for the money they made.

xXCoolerMinecrafterXxHDLPlol May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Great journalism! Get it up!

Uneek Elements May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

That Bone Thugs shirt is dope

Kai May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Bruh. That bone thugs n harmony shirt is golden.

Maximillian Huang May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

I’m seeing so many people loving FaZe Clan so much,
and idk why but I’m now realising that FaZe Clan‘s causing controversy every month.

Henry Hu May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

What about Astralis’ 6 player?

MegaJiiRo May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Faze as an org is just a joke. The csgo team is the real deal tho. I hope they are bought by a proper esports org and not a cringy na streaming "org"

AE May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Respect he cares for everyone

Malcolm Kyeremeh May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Been missin u Keith, we need more of you😩

Cazidesh May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

i think riot seeing its success with being open and listening to the community in Valorant is going to change how they do things across the board.

ke ju May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

doublelift: picking this guy was maybe a mistake
leena: hold my beer

Jordan Hannay May 15, 2020 - 7:22 am

Tbh can’t blame faze clan I’m sure all these people watching would kill to make that much money, if valve isn’t going to do anything about it why should faze get hate. Gambling is a problem not just in cs go I would know and countries have the power to stop it but don’t


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