Within a few months, the number of esports fans can increase and more advertising dollars previously earmarked for live esports ads can be raised as a result of a pause in some major sports leagues and customers around the country are held in order to get separated from others because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The esports scene was already growing this year, with esports ad revenues expected to hit $200 million this year alone in the United States, according to a survey by last year’s eMarketer. According to a new report from the WARC marketing intelligence company, brand investments are projected this year to hit $795 million, up 23.1%, and $584 million will be funded.
Big brands including CocaCola and Mars ‘Snickers’ recently entered into esports sponsorships, another signal of great interest to marketers in this that digital region. Energy drinks are also a warm product, as illustrated recently in PepsiCo, which has plans to obtain $3.85 billion for Rockstar Energy.