We’ve started #Worlds2019 off in dominant fashion. With 3 wins and the fastest average game-time in the tournament so far, there were plenty of hype plays and funny moments!
Do you think we will go 6-0 in groups? Let us know in the comments below!
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part 2?
Let's say about part2. Wait to see the clip.???
Nice try g2, second seed out of the group. Now EU fanboys are crying in their beds, cmon guys! do something for them.
Idk why but Perks looks Alpha af
they should kill themselves
Expectations before watching the video: Oh this will be a good G2 hype video.
Me 1 sec after hearing the music: ok this is another clown2 video.
We see you in g2 heretics HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
The best team, in the wolrd, no bs.
Let the god himself PromisQ play a game against HKA next time just to scare the other teams even more
G2 army!!
Jankos int? NO PROBLEM. Mikyx feeding? NO PROBLEM
Will they win Worlds? WHY NOT?!
They do everthing with such ease and fun…simply the best team
G2 is what happens when 5 extremely talented and likeable trolls unite..
Faker: shhhhhh
3:24 I love how he just nods xd
Skt one love.
Yo guys! Win World Pliz i want your skin
5 second left , now fuckin leave hahahahhahaha , this jankos xd
You are the best BOOOM
1:36 what are they laughing at?
them fuck more ass then no 1 rainbow guy
The more G2 ints
The more chance they will win Worlds
No comments about oce? for real? ok xd
The amount of dislikes are the amount of fans that g2 destroyed
Can't explain how much I love this Meme Lord EUW Team!
Let's go G2! Let's Go!
This is actually so hilarious xD
I personally don't think that they are the villains in League today, I think that they are the anti-heroes of League today lol. Not even a fan of G2 but their games are super fun to watch, not because of their unconventional picks and how they play the game, but because of their attitude before, during, and after the games. They always looked like they are having fun just playing the game itself. That Mikyx expression during the interview and Jankos' statement after that qiyana int are probably my 2 favorite things in the video lmao.
FUCK, i begin to love g2
Jankos should change his profession
But hey Mikeyx did his best dying
Love G2
That ult sidestep by perkz was so fucking disgusting. 0:55
How can you not love them !