Epic Games has f@&!ed up Fortnite esports beyond repair.
Over the last few months it’s become clear that Epic doesn’t really have any idea what they’re doing in the esports space with Fornite. Or at the very least, that they don’t care.
Edited by: Dennis Gonzales (@Tarmanydyn)
Hosted and Written by Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen )
Research Assistance: Shihab Mian (@shihabmian)
Editorial assistance by Colin McNeil (@McneilColin)
Footage courtesy of:
Image of Tfue courtesy of Tfue on YouTube
Fortnite and Epic Games clips
Courtesy: Epic Games
Ninja vods
Courtesy: Ninja
Tfue vods
Courtesy: Tfue
Dr Disrespect vods
Courtesy: Dr Disrespect
PUBG vods
Courtesy: PUBG Corporation
TSM vods
Courtesy: Team SoloMid
Farming Simulator vods
Courtesy: Giants Software
Baseketball clip
Courtesy: Universal Pictures
Juggernaut clip
Courtesy: Saban International
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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To counter stream-sniping you could just offset delay the stream by 1-5 minutes.
I've seen it done before and it works well.
why should they make the game for a low % of players instead of making it for the rest?
yall really used the ninja fucked up false accusing someone of stream sniping as an example of stream sniping? how into the scene are you? i barely pay attention and i know about that shit.
ninja clip, dude wasn’t even sniping.why would you use that video other videos out there ninja just started calling people every time someone dances on him it was a huge scene happen he said he didn't f**** care
Fortnite sucks anyway
Fortnite was fucked up when it came out
insert OK-sign
1.1k angry 9 year old lmao
Lol doesn’t matter what you think fortnite is still dominating and streamers are still going to their tournaments lol you mentioned tfue the biggest streamer and he’s going to the World Cup tournament lmao so your argument doesn’t matter
$100,000,000 “half ass” ????
. Their “esports” cater to the masses with winner interviews from winners you never heard of. That’s great for the game and the masses (not the top 1% of content creators/pros).
Wasn’t that ninja clip the one with a bunch of controversy cause he like wasn’t stream sniping or something
Still guna let this guy on camera even after the OK hand symbol video huh? ?
BR games are incredibly hard to make an Esport.ESPECIALLY FRAKKING FORTNITE.
I cant really tell if this channel is now trolling or just really fucken stupid at this point.
The OK sign vid and now this?
1 year ago
PUBG community: Fortnite is trash. Too casual for kids
Epic: We balanced everything
IcyFive is NOT a stream sniper.
The fact Epic just bought Rocket League worries me… hope it doesn't turn like this.
the second button on his shirt wasnt buttoned until 2 minutes into the video
Toxic PS4 wanna-be spambuild tryhards aren't even competitive players, it's an rng game. All these little PS4 players play all day and are average NERDS LMAO
Keep in mind this is the same guy that says that ?is racist
They're gonna fuck up Rocket League next.
farming simulator gets my nipples hard
So you wanna talk about the company not supporting your scene? Hey, Smash player here and you’re probably wondering how I got into this situation. I’m just fucking kidding go something that actually works as a competitive esport.
i HaTe ThAt I hAvE tO pLaY vIdEo GaMeS fOr A lIvInG wAh! WaH! wAh!
So what you're saying is that this will be the ONLY opportunity to win $3 million because there won't be a World Cup next year.
So much for thinking I had a chance at changing my life completely.
Just shave it bro, go bald, it cant look worse than this shit. Love your content
Fortnite esports shouldn't exist. Randomness should never be part of a competitive esport
fucking good
Fortnite is too casual.
Let's hope (Most of us) Epic Fucks up the game itself so it can die via losing the player base.
Battle royale an e sport, best joke of the year.
The funniest thing about this is that there should have never been fortnite esports to begin with. Fortnite is not competitive at all like all other battle Royal games imo
Fortnite is the worst esport ever!!! Not even competitive. If you guys want to watch an actual esport go watch rocket league. Waaaaaay more even and competitive. Cant believe people still play this trash.
wasnt this the same guy who said the ok hand was racist
fortnite is the retarded brother of minecraft but it's "cool" cause there are guns and characters are not made out of blocks.