Our team tried many new things to prepare for this week 5’s LEC matches, such as group meditation and even a sing-along! Tune in to find your inner carry with our latest voice comms video!
What was your favourite moment from this week’s LEC? Let us know in the comments below!
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I don‘t Play leuage but these guys are amaizing??
Im Fnatic fan, i have to be a G2 "hater" but this …. xD
G2 are so funny.
Nice production haha, love the set up
jankos:anikiiiii! xd
Jankos is hilarious
1:54 scream like this one more time Jankos PLEASE XDD
I want the whole video of Perkz and Mikyx skinging The Duck Song
Weeaboos be like: JANKO WATCHES ANIME?
I love this guys XD
Comedy gold
Perkz: Kold Wind
Ojalá subtitulos para vuestro público español!! Que el jefe es de aquí @ocelote seguro que te sale barato
G2 Jankos bullied by Grabbz ??
Guys, it is " 'til the very next day" not "the other very next day". I feel like you don't take this song seriously.
1:13 definitely the best bot lane at EU look at that synergy
OG smashed caps the fucking sell out pussy
where is the quack
XD Caps still has FNC members suggested.
This is so good
They are so freakin' hilarious xD
Btw did anyone notice the suggested friendslist?!?!
voice in match why not? Tilted?
From now on, let's all call Jankos Oni-chan when we meet him
And Wunder alone is sitting still quietly thinking how the hell did he ended up here with botlane singing about duck who wants grapes and jungler who wants to be called oni-chan
I Love them so much
Lmao I love g2 to death
Los amo xDD
This concept is great ! Please make these videos more often
how can not love them? <3
Wow Jankos lvl 23 on LEC account,rest on 19 and 20 xDDD hard carry
kold is over there XDDDDDD
Oni chan
The faces on the profile pictures in lol look so weird
Muito tímidos vocês né.
Maaan… i love this team
love you oni-chan
My god my stomach xD
villains btw
Yes jankos is in the weeb club, can he get the rest of G2 in?
removed from reddit because not league related lol
LVL 100 – BOSS
xd And thats why i love u all <3