Team Liquid are out of playoff contention. They bombed out of the Spring Split in what’s now the biggest downfall in LCS history. The guy taking the brunt of the team’s criticism was Doublelift.
Doublelift under-performing was bad. But his attitude at the start of spring is what really got the community fired up.
Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Written by: Malcolm Abbas (@Smashhh)
Thumbnail by: Brandon Mistele
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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He won like 6 splits in a row(there was one with Wildturtle on 2017 so not really in a row) on 2 different teams cmon wtf. He didnt acheive much on international stage when its all that matters. How can he care about not only spring split that is worthless but also winning a region that is bad anyway? Even though winning means more practice means better showing, i can fully understand his burnout.
doublelift should transfer to Eu
doublelift was doublesh!t this spring.
is this the guy that said lol is harder than dota hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Try dota 2? Lol
He needs to retire, that’s all
jesus that jatt guy annoys my soul
He deserved to lose. I'm just sad he dragged Jensen and Impact along with him.
Very full of himself and he really doesn't seem to be very bright.
Nice shirt! But did you need the 10 minutes so badly you had to double/triple show scenes of DL's interview… in exactly the same way? :hmm:
How a "Trash" Attitude … lmao savage
If you're chasing greatness, it's not what you say, it's what you DO!
need motivation
how about getting out of groups for once?
i think that' s a good start
Even in there title runs Doublelift wasnt even their best player. Most of the time it was impact.
Lmao joke
this video sucks lmao
this guy make me remember about EE when he talks, EE but inLOL
Comparing Tactical and DoubleLift was bery unnecessary. Tactical was given a chance to prove hinself so no shit he'll put his best on every game. DoubleLift on the other hand has very bad mental. On the previous years, he's been underestimating other teams and he's winning. Right now DoubleLift is just intimidated i guess?
Eternal Envy of League , but Successful.
the difference between rekkles and doublelift. Tho both are one of the best adc in the west the difference is always atitude. Reckkles never gave up. NEVER
pretty sure tl is sandbagging lmao spring split is a joke
Well when you dominate that hard for that long you can get tired
doublelift is such a narcissist thats the one thing that i dont really like from him
Summer split is going to be huge just wait and watch
Look at tyson fury's story, the highest peaks are not always the best, it's the journey to those points that's the best, once you reach those peaks you have no where to go but down. Doublelift seems like he hit his peaks and is now looking for a place to go, he either has to retire or find motivation within himself to grow and push on. Prove the people wrong, prove why you were one of the best, prove to yourself that you have motivation and you are the best.
Is that- the beginning of NF – The Search? From 3:10 – 3:22?
Double lift is bronze elo
He needs to be benched forever for being a dick to his team
I didn't really have an opinion on Doublelift, but now I hate him
I kinda want C9 to do well internationally so that they shut down his ego completely
That's what you get from attempting to trashtalk Dota.
He wonders why he got benched when he hypocritically looks at himself better than Faker LOL
So arrogant, so fcked up What a tryhard