He’s been named MVP multiple times. He can make just about every champion a mid laner. And after four years of grinding, he finally has an LPL championship under his belt.
Doinb is one of the LPL’s deadliest mid laners. And at Worlds? He’s out for blood.
Hosted by: Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Written by: Malcolm Abbas (@Smashhh)
Edited by: Alex Debets (@ajdebets)
All footage courtesy of:
#Worlds2019 #LeagueofLegends #LoL
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Doinb the type of dude to sigh victoriously after master promo's game.
LOL ??? obviously copied someone we know who ??
Bruh, you look like the dude from The Sorcerer's Apprentice film.
Name Sound like Russian strat. "(on losing side) rush b сука блять!"
You remind me of Peter Forsberg
Doinb in LoL is like Luffy in One Piece universe
Doinb winning in game and in life. Just look at his beautiful and supportive wife
You can just tell he’s one annoying person.
better redemption arc than Uzi
Anyone here after he went 5-0-11 on ryze lul
scuffed xqc
Asian people why yall gotta be good at everything.
that maokai looks more famous than infamous
i was doinA befor he wuz doinB
He's ''Doing B'' cuz he always goes with the B plan lol
DoinB is my favorite midlaner to watch at this tournament. I can’t wait to see how he does in quarter finals
What the fuck is the thumbnail, i h night i was gonna learn about some kids that made it out of the hood and started playing league
imagine losing to a maokai mid
His wife is pretty cute but look like one of those girl's that doesn't like to have sex. Hopefully that's not the case.
Anyone notice that he wears a Jacob and Co. watch? That shit mad expensive.
So basically every league player ever
Never heard of him
And i dont think he is ready for the worlds
Dude type Chinese faster than my 26 yr old 15 yrs of gaming hands, watch his stream
Wait… So a midlaner can lock in a jungle pick and actually go jungling and his jungler goes mid? Isn't that against the rules?
Der Moderator sieht aus wie MC Bomber mit langen Haaren ^^
This guy is a real life animu character
Why that clickbait thumbnial though? No footage of him with tattoos. Just the thumbnail… Am i missing something?
OG but on LOL?
Best described as The Hinata Shoyo (version) of Faker himself.
The best mid laner in the world without any doubt. Faker is nothing compared with Doinb.
And just like that, I'm having FPX over FNC in pickems playoffs
Looking gangsta with that League icon blingbling huh
Another Korean midlaner. Legendary!
Faker's time finally have come to an end.
He speaks better chinese then me I'm chinese ffs
Kinda simillar to Rangchu story and his infamous Panda winning Tekken World Tour
Oh, another korean star. What a surprise
So you mean faker and apdo had a son who plays anything mid? Hmmm..
Too bad he gonna lose in the quarter finals
doinb unspecialised class lol