Home Esports DIG FakeGod on LCS Return, What He Learned In NACL, And More

DIG FakeGod on LCS Return, What He Learned In NACL, And More

by Marn

FakeGod sits down with ESTNN for an exclusive interview.

Aaron “FakeGod” Lee will return to the LCS in 2024 with the league’s newest organization, Shopify Rebellion. This has been a long time coming for the North American player, who had grind his way through the NACL, the LCS’s development league, to earn an opportunity to play on the biggest stage again. During the offseason, ESTNN had the chance to sit with FakeGod for an exclusive interview. FakeGod discussed how he is a different player from the FakeGod we last saw, what he learned in the NACL, and more.

FakeGod’s Journey Back To The LCS

Marn: Thank you for taking the time to answer some of my questions. I will start with a simple welcome back to the LCS. You have grinded your way back; how does it feel?

DIG FakeGod: “Honestly, it still feels strange to me that I’m actually back in the LCS. It’s been more than a year and a half since I played in it, but it feels much longer to me. I’m excited but cautious as I know personally how hard and stressful it can be playing in the LCS, and I want to make this 2nd (or 3rd?) chance different.”

Marn: Can you tell us about yourself for any new Shopify fans coming into the scene?

DIG FakeGod: “My name is Aaron “FakeGod” Lee, but I like to be called my first name rather than my IGN. I’m Korean-American, but my Korean is not that great. I have a sister who is four years older than me. I like to listen to calm music when I’m not particularly doing anything. I really like slice-of-life-type stories that focus on real struggles. On that note, my favorite anime is Clannad.”

Marn: How was the offseason for you? Did you get up to anything interesting?

DIG FakeGod: “I just relaxed at home until I went to Korea around the start of September. It was part visiting my family and playing Korean soloq, which felt very nice to play. My lowest ping in NA is 40, so getting 10 in soloq was new. Other than that, though, the offseason was uneventful.”

Marn: What is different if you had to compare the FakeGod we last saw in the LCS to the FakeGod who will be competing on Shopify next year?

DIG FakeGod: “The FakeGod who played for DIG LCS was scared, uncertain, and directionless. He didn’t know why he was playing League, let himself get taken over by other people’s will and opinions, and couldn’t play to the standard he wanted to. The FakeGod now relies on himself more and has more determination to win, and never wants to go down without fighting again.”

Marn: During your offseason, you saw fellow Academy alumni Dhokla and Palafox find their spot back in the LCS, winning a split and even making it to quarters. Did seeing their journey motivate you to earn a spot back on the big stage and have a similar journey?

DIG FakeGod: “Their journey was amazing, but it didn’t give me any extra motivation. I want to focus on myself rather than compare myself to other people, since the latter doesn’t usually work out well for me.”

Marn: You’re returning from a strong year; what did you learn about yourself while you spent your time in Academy?

DIG FakeGod: “I learned a lot more when I was taking my “break”, that I relied on other people too much and lacked a resolve to play League. In Academy, I learned more about how I function as a person, like getting better at calming myself down to perform and working with my teammates since my opponents were usually much worse than me.”

Marn: Can you talk a little about DSG? They were the org that picked you up following Cloud9’s departure from the scene. How did they help pick you guys back up so that you could win it all?

DIG FakeGod: “When I first heard he was joining, I knew I really wanted to join because I thought it’d be a great experience, and it was. Toast actually messaged me in the very beginning to ask about the LoL scene, so I gave him my knowledge of the things he wanted to know. I was really happy that he picked me up and reunited me with Tomio and Zeyzal. I knew we could win it all again with that core. DSG put a lot more newcomers’ eyes on League and (is still) fighting the League is dying in NA narrative.”

Marn: Finally, what goals do you have for the 2024 Spring Split?

DIG FakeGod: “I want to win the spring split, but that isn’t what I actually need to focus on. I just want to give it my best shot and work hard no matter what happens.”

Stay tuned to ESTNN for the latest League of Legends, LCS news, and rumors.

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