The cool kids of gaming, 100 Thieves and Nadeshot, have decided not to buy a slot in the franchised Call of Duty League.
That’s right, Nadeshot, the face of CoD, will have nothing to do with the game’s latest attempt at jumping further into esports.
That’s got us really worried about this CDL thing. And, if we’re being honest with you, Nadeshot not being a part of this thing might kill the CoD League.
Hosted by Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
Edited by: Dennis Gonzales (@Tarmanydyn)
Courtesy List:
100T videos
Courtesy: 100 Thieves
PCGamer articles
Courtesy: PCGamer
Variety articles
Courtesy: Variety
Tfue clips
Courtesy: Tfue
Riot Games clips
Courtesy: Riot Games
Courage clips
Courtesy: CourageJD
Hastr0 clips
Courtesy: Hastr0
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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He made a good decision
Kill the growth? Maybe yeah. Kill the esport? Nah there's that core ~100k of fans that will watch every year, no matter the quality of the game or the league teams are playing in. We've been here for years, ain't about to bail on it just cause Nade didn't sign on lmao
Owl season 2 spots were $30-60 million a spot but owl already proved itself
Cod league has been dead for a while my guy
Franchise is only in America, in Europe we rewards skillz over money probbly the main reason why Eu > Na
Nadeshot definitely seems upset to a point, but he’s not wrong at all for not committing. The people and material under 100T might be able to bring in what the CoD League would for them if they went with it.
CoD and pro player is the biggest gap in esports history. It takes no skill to play CoD and thus nobody really cares to watch some guy run around and circles looking for kills.
whats up with thie pedophile haircut?
Nadeshot is smart and there is a reason he is getting a CS team. The open circuit is a viable business environment.
Cod league worth 25 million a slot??? LMFAO i though that cod league was dying + the cod games aren't even fun to play besides zombies
Oh great we got th fortnite guy reporting on Owl and complaining there is not enough content. Arent like 20h of games per week enough?
why mans look like he bout to cry?
They should massively cut the costs to enter. Then more teams can enter, it would be more competitive, and that would raise viewers. With more viewers you could also increase prize money as well
“Face of cod”
Crim and stump are the only 2 faces I see when thinking about cod competitive. Maybe clayster too
Cod competitive is actually not bad to watch. The biggest problem is that the game is an annual release.
CoD OMEGALUL. Especially console CoD.
Rip COD man it will be the greatest franchise of all time
onep erson doesnt make the whole community….noteven one team….not anymore.
I still dont understand the idea of buying a spot for the tournament.
Just look at dota 2
The only games you can sign players for over a year are patch based games, which cod isn't
The cod league is a scam, you can't build a esport on a game that releases a new game almost every year. Lol, csgo and overwatch are patch based games, there are no changes that will make players have a completely different skill set every year, thing will change but not as masively as realing a new gam
No hate to this guy but he looks like he plays cod