CS:GO like every other competitive game has fallen victim to many game-breaking bugs on multiple occasions, but Valve has always been quick in its response.
This time around a bug has surfaced in the game which can randomly spawn players into the wrong side of the map. Spawn is a very important aspect of Counter-Strike and the layout of spawns determines the flow of the game. A good spawn can effectively decide which site would be hit and who can get the first contact with the enemy. Sadly enough, the bug targets this major aspect of the game and spawns random players into the enemy side of the map.
The bug first came into public notice when a Reddit user going by the alias ‘hamfraigaar’ posted about one of his games where he encountered the bug. On March 17th, hamfraigaar was playing Dust 2 on the community servers when the incident happened. The enemy team was facing a player disconnection who joined the game in the next round, but to his dismay instead of spawning on his side of the map (CT) he ended up in the T base and got fragged off instantly at round start. This incident has been backed by many other players who claim to have faced the same bug on matchmaking servers, FACIT, ESEA, and other competitive platforms.
This bug was present earlier in the game too and this is definitely not new, so Valve must already be aware of it still existing in the game. Hopefully, Valve will take the right steps yet again and figure out a way to patch the bug off before it becomes a major issue for the players.