Welcome to Clouted, episode 6.
This week on the internet Ninja and Nadeshot got into it, Swag joined T1, Warzone is taking over Twitch, some kid raged so hard he broke his setup, DrDisrespect has re-signed with Twitch, CS:GO hit one million concurrent players, COVID-19 has suspended even more major esports competition and with the spread of the virus causing isolation, many pro athletes have started streaming on Twitch.
We’ve got all the news for you on our newest episode of Clouted.
Written & Hosted by: Keith Capstick ( @keithcapstick) and Devin Jones (@milkshks)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
All Footage Courtesy:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Since we filmed this video the LCS and LEC have announced that they'll be back playing THIS weekend and finishing the rest of their splits remotely with online matches. Matches will return this Friday March 20.
Keith can now voiceover as Kermit the Frog
#freebrax; i.e brax is now free
those devin guy using green screen, hes on some pubs or liquor bar
Yeah Ninja has been shitting down a few people's throats about various plays, should of seen Reverse2k get shit on from this entitled child a few weeks ago on stream.
He should realize where he fucking sits in the world and how easy it is to just choose another streamer to watch.
A video on " m0NESY " The 14 Y.O. CSGO FPl player??
nice shoes
Why that mans on the left sound like pat mahomes
Keith: "Yeah, I mean"
Lando loves milk
It's bwoken
Keith’s dumb Patrick mahomes voice
Sorry he can't hear you he has his airpods in
This worldwide Situation will maybe contribute to overall rise in skill-level all over gaming communities. Since so many people will be playing more frequently than before.
I hope Swag is gonna DESTROY in Valorant as much as in csgo.
devin: an overwatch streamers breaks his keyboard out of rage
sounds like XQC to me
On twitter the lec announced that they are going to do the lec online from the player homes or their group house
2:34 sounds like a fucking pokemon war cry wtf
„a guy called lando norris“ DUDE
keith sounding like ray romano
6:36 This has been done in Battlefield games since forever, and at even farther distances with no hitscan lmao
7:12 thats me trying to play CoD: Warzone, just to get camped all match with thermal scopes on every damn rooftop. . .i cant stand that anymore
Swag was a kid when that happened. Cant expect him to against his 4 adult teammates. Free swag, the hope of the USA. Kid has crazy talent.
Why does keith look like crying and taking a shit while litsening devin
I love the working from home vibe! It's awesome
Score esports uploads two videos in less than 24 hours, good times are here
Yeah and then watch them make another COD omegaLAMO
Keith gotta flex the YEEZYS
FAKERBRAXXXXXXTOOONNNNN!!!Is that….. a picture of Devin behind Devin in Devins house?
You should do an episode on planetside 2
and they said project a is gonna kill csgo

These Warzone clips are cool and all but we've been doing shit like that in Battlefield for years
Smooya is literally my energy when they announced school was cancelled
Tense1983 walked so kuhi can run
A Millie a Millie a Millie
Blink 182 and Def Leppard Shirt, its makes the video great. rock on!
keith got silver bullets and sbbs keeping him company doe…
Sneaker shopping with keith when???
Nothing beats watching FREESM destroy NLCS in-houses.