Cringe is the new sexy. The boys sat down to play smooth operator and bust out their best chat-up lines before Valentine’s day.
Which pick-up line would have woo’d you? Let us know in the comments below
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Evelynn quotes " "You know you want me." Without pain, how would they know pleasure?" "One touch, with desire… that's all I need.""Let me in!"
"Harder? Okay.""Love me." "Wait for me, sweetie."
I would say "Did i mention, its mating season"
Hey, but how huge, Wunder?
Donde puedo verlos subtitulados?
2:30 "Here's a tip, and a spear behind it"
1:16 that was my reaction to Caps botlane on Friday
One of my favorites video that you have made ty g2esport
"Mmmm. Must be nice."

2:30 The unseen blaDe is the deadliest
should buy lider to play top lane and a new jingle
maybe stop content and start training?

Omg that’s so funny please more of this !!
my god , that was hilarious xd
yeees its true for only 1,25 i will leave you breathless
0/9 caps OMEGALUL
do you like…
Poland only
Types of people on tinder
Hahaha, this one was really funny!
Champion quote that impresses girls
My brother immediately: My blade is yours
Azir bird call " prrrr prrrr, prrrr prrrr"
Jankos I love you! No homo, but you can slap my leg just like you slap'd Duffman's any time
LET"S GO G2! Best team ever!
Best champion quote for pickup has to be "Size doesn't mean everything" by our lord and saviour tenmo.
Perkz and Caps are not in the video because they are dating with me.
“My right arm is a lot stronger then my left arm” – Tryndamere
This is SOOO hilarious !
More please
5:24 They censor ‘dick’, but not ‘fucking’?