In the exciting five-game clash of the two teams, Cloud9 was the one who triumphed.
The Summer Split for CLG and C9 went in a very different direction. C9 came into the season with Jensen back on the roster and with strong Worlds aspirations. CLG, though, was expected by most to finish outside the playoffs. But after eight weeks, CLG was the team that finished above C9, as they shattered any and all expectations. Coming into the first series for both teams in the LCS Summer 2022 Playoffs, both teams were looking to be one of the teams that will represent NA in the Worlds hosted in their own home.
Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud9 Game 1
In the first game of the series, C9 came out of the gate with an interesting draft of Kalista, Ashe and Kennen.
The early game between the two aggressive teams did not disappoint as C9 started with an early invade. They gave up the first blood to CLG after a misstep from Berserker, but it did not end there. There were seven kills in seven minutes down at the bot lane, with most of it going towards C9 for a 2k gold lead. During the mid-game, CLG tried to contest objectives and pick up kills, but most trades on the map favored their opponent. Except Contractz was able to steal a Baron which could’ve ended the game for C9.
CLG Baron was not very effective as they could not reach the C9 carries and could not pressure them to win fights. One more overreach from CLG and a dead Contractz meant C9’s second Baron attempt was successful. Using their over 10k gold lead, C9 ended the game to give Jensen his 100th LCS win and to take a 1-0 series lead.
— LCS (@LCSOfficial) August 21, 2022
- Teams: C9 – CLG
- Time: 32:56
- Kills: 22 – 5
- Turrets: 8 – 5
- Gold: 66.7k – 54.5k
- Dragons: 4 – 1
- Barons: 1 – 1
Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud9 Game 2
Contractz came into the second game with a vengeance as he dove top lane at level two and then one more gank a minute later. Despite C9 being the team that got the first blood, CLG was the one that made the plays around the map to give themselves a 2k early lead. C9 found ways to come back during the mid-game and because CLG did not take early drakes, the game state was close to the middle. The fights were also close between both teams but CLG won the one that mattered and took the first Baron of the game.
While the first Baron did not go well for CLG, they found more success around the drake fights. After acing them to tie the drake count at two, CLG got their second Baron. They got a pick on Blaber and tried to siege mid. But once again they pushed too far, got punished by Berserker and lost an inhib. At the end of the day, neither Baron was the deciding factor as CLG’s chance to end the game was when they caught out Blaber in his own jungle. The near-a-minute death timer meant C9 could not hold on in a 4v5.
It’s a party in the dragon pit
— CLG (@clgaming) August 21, 2022
- Teams: CLG – C9
- Time: 44:15
- Kills: 25 – 18
- Turrets: 11 – 6
- Gold: 85.8k – 76k
- Dragons: 3 – 3
- Barons: 3 – 0
Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud9 Game 3
The series was heating up in Game 3 as C9 busted out Nocturne for Blaber. Although the game was not as bloody early as the previous two. We saw the first blood in the top lane for C9, while Contractz answered with a mid gank. CLG got an edge in the game after C9 overcommitted while stealing the second drake of the game. Mid-game was also slow in terms of kills, but it felt like CLG was in control of the game state as well as small gold and drake leads. At least they were, until they got caught in the Kennen ult, got aced and gave up a Baron.
With their lead C9 controlled the map really well. At one point, Fudge got caught and gave CLG an opportunity to go for a Baron. But C9 was able to stall enough that he Teleported back. They got four kills for one and Blaber stole the objective. The Baron and death timers meant C9 was able to end the game to take the series lead.
Blaber steals the Baron! @blaber #LCS
— LCS (@LCSOfficial) August 21, 2022
- Teams: C9 – CLG
- Time: 32:44
- Kills: 12 – 9
- Turrets: 7 – 4
- Gold: 61k – 55.2k
- Dragons: 2 – 3
- Barons: 2 – 0
Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud9 Game 4
C9 started another game with an aggressive invade. With the damage they did during this, Fudge also got the first blood in the top lane. However, CLG found some kills back both in the bot lane and in the Herald fight. The beneficiary of these kills was Luger who got four early kills. While C9 found some hope with a bot lane kill and the first drake, the fight for the second Herald once again went bad and they fell 3k gold behind with an early focused draft. The gold lead kept going up as the game went on as CLG found kill after kill plus towers with the Baron. C9 tried to answer but CLG was always one step ahead. So, they sent the series to the full five games.
Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? #LCS | #CLGWIN #CLGFIGHTING
— CLG (@clgaming) August 21, 2022
- Teams: CLG – C9
- Time: 31:37
- Kills: 21 – 5
- Turrets: 10 – 2
- Gold: 61k – 49.8k
- Dragons: 2 – 1
- Barons: 1 – 0
Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud9 Game 5
The last game of the series was no different from the others as CLG started it with a top side dive, but Fudge managed to trade 1-for-1. But C9 recovered from the early game deficit with the help of the first Herald and gave themselves a 1.5k lead at 14th. But their lead did not help them as CLG found a kill on a Teleporting Jensen. CLG started Baron and secured it after getting two more kills. As we saw all series, one Baron was not enough to get one team too much ahead. While CLG got some tempo from their objective, C9 was able to fight back. They found two picks on Dhokla and Luger which gave them a Baron themselves.
C9 got an inhib with their Baron, but a split pushing Dhokla was able to answer. C9 found their fight to end the game when both teams tried to contest the mid wave for the Soul. With the Sivir/Lulu, C9 was able to chase down CLG and ace them. With the top inhib down, they won the series against a CLG who fought valiantly.
— LCS (@LCSOfficial) August 22, 2022
- Teams: C9 – CLG
- Time: 37:03
- Kills: 12 – 9
- Turrets: 9 – 6
- Gold: 69.6k – 64k
- Dragons: 3 – 1
- Barons: 1 – 1
Previous Regular Split Recaps
LCS Week One Recaps – Day One, Two, Three
LCS Week Two Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Three Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Four Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Five Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Six Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Seven Recaps – Day One, Two
LCS Week Eight Recaps – Day One, Two, Three
LCS Summer 2022 Playoffs Schedule
Upper Bracket
- August 27, 1PM PDT
- 100 Thieves vs. Team Liquid Winner
- August 28, 1PM PDT
- Evil Geniuses vs. Cloud9 Winner
Lower Bracket
- August 25, 1PM PDT
- August 26, 1PM PDT
For more coverage on LCS during the Summer 2022 Playoffs, follow us on ESTNN.