Sometimes, it doesn’t pay to play fair ?. UUNO teams up with Kanto, and takes on Pengu and Goga on House. With Fabian as the fully fair referee, see who has the best 2v2 in the team! Tune in as the boys battle for the ultimate prize, Fabian’s Approval.
How did Fabian do as a referee? Let us know in the comments below!
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Put both of the fraggers on the same team, makes sense
Hahaha you don't know house calls, what a n00b.
They had to do match with fabian vs the other four
300Fps are you kiding me ?
Team Finland won TORILLE!!!
can we talk about how shit goga is at knife fights, 0/10 wouldnt cover him while hes planting
Oh, this is why PL has be 1 win, 2 loses, and 1 draw. 2v2s on house.
What's wrong with the SOUNDS ?
G2 Lion skin inbound
Oh Come on you can't put your two Entrys and Fraggers against the flex/support playes
Everyone hates on Fabian, he is a really nice guy. And brings a smile to my face :D.
Unno got no kills if the two unfair kills dont count
You really really need to improve video performance. I cant watch that laggy shit whithout my eyes hurting x(
They pro league players
They have hundreds k/million dollars
They don't have good mics
pls mooooooreeeee
UUNO sux
Bring back Jnszki ;(
G2 is great but this comment section sucks tho. Not gonna lie….
Goga just refuses to talk shit
Damn. Kantoooo.
Goga: They're try hards
Kanto: They just suck
Ahhh r6 banter
Team Penguuno
G2 siege videos are the highlight my life needs