Home Esports CEO Of PandaGlobal becomes ‘Full-time’ CEO

CEO Of PandaGlobal becomes ‘Full-time’ CEO

by eSportsJunkie Staff

Alan “SamuraiPanda” Bunney has confirmed that he will be full-time Chief executive of 1v1 Panda Global. The company is composed of teams in different games like Smash Bros., Hearthstone and Rivals of Aether. We also sign up for Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and Tekken game fighting professionals.

With its 17,000 Twitter followers, SamuraiPanda shared the news. His focus was shifted from medicine to esports. He explained. He was formerly a full internal medicine doctor and will now work for Panda Global 100 per cent. He also says he plans to expand the sports organisation by 2020. Although he’s currently fully involved with athletics, he won’t give up his job as a doctor. His practice now runs for a few hours so he can deal with his patients.

SamuraiPanda said he has been on the sports scene for 12 years and played for a number of games together with his announcement. He has a history of playing brother Brawl, Legends League and a number of matches. The input on his changeover decision was very positive. There are many comments that wish him luck, while others suggest that he is an inspiration.

Followers will also see SamuraiPanda regularly applauding and praising its players for their accomplishments. In a recent tweet, he said how proud he was about his team after the title of Genesis 7 Champion was won by Tyler “Marss” Martins.

Panda Global is a North American sports organisation that is fast-growing and founded in 2015. We are fortunate to have a roster of global champions and prominent members of the world. The company was co-founded by SamuraiPanda and David “Masumaro” Wu, thus promoting the development of its players in the esports business. The partners include Geico, Hyper X, Metathreads, Funimation, Twitch and Toshiba.

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