Do you need help to lane against Aatrox in League of Legends? Not to worry, here are the best champions to help you climb the LoL ladder.
Aatrox has always been one of the strongest Top Laners in League of Legends and a champion currently sitting on top of the food chain in regards to Top Lane Bruisers. He can spike early and dominate his opponent, making him the ideal pick for players looking to fight. The question is, how do you counter him? Follow this article for the best Aatrox counters in League of Legends.
Karma is one of the safest picks you can select into Aatrox. Aatrox’s aim is to fight at close range, while Karma is able to kite back from any incoming attacks with relative ease. Firstly, Karma is able to poke Aatrox down frequently with her Q, and at times her upgraded Q when using her ultimate. On top of that, if Aatrox looks to engage, Karma can quickly get out of his CC using her E and W, which offer a shield + movement speed and a stun, respectively. On top of that, when pressing R, Karmas’ W will heal her when she uses Mantra W.
As demonstrated in competitive League of Legends, Olaf is a solid laner into Aatrox. Once you have a couple of levels under your belt, Olaf can match Aatrox in the lane. Olaf’s strength comes from the added damage and attack speed he gets. The lower his health is. That doesn’t mean you should trade to death but don’t underestimate the damage you can do at low health. The key is to bait out Aatrox’s ultimate; he likely will have the advantage in this, so wait it out and then immediately look to all-in him after. Your ultimate will void Aatrox’s W, which would naturally lock you in if you do not get out of the range in time. The key to this match-up is patience; you should be able to bait out his abilities, and that is when you make your move.
Fiora is a great counter to Aatrox, as her abilities should be able to counteract him at all points in the game. Fiora’s Q is a dash, which is the most likely way you will escape his W. You could use W, Riposte, but you should look to use this when he tries to all-in you with Q. It will negate the damage and allow you to remain up close, which is where Fiora does her best work. Save Fioras’ Riposte for Aatrox’s final Q; this is the one that does the most damage, and at that point, he is pretty vulnerable to an all-in, with his dash range being as small as it is.
Worst Champions To Pick Into Aatrox In League of Legends
Sion is arguably the worst champion to can pick into Aatrox. Sion’s Q can easily be countered with virtually all three of Aatrox’s abilities. Although Sion has his strengths, players can get baited in quite easily. If you feel safe and not in danger of dying, let Sion hit his E ability onto you, as Sion players will often go in with their Q for extra damage. This is where you can counter his Q with your abilities and look to counter-engage. Most likely, Sion will ultimate away, but this has a long cool down and could prove vital in an upcoming team fight. Sion players naturally will shove the lane in with Q + W. This is good for Aatrox as he can run down Sion quite easily.
Although Nasus becomes a force to be reckoned with later in the game, early on, Aatrox has the advantage. Nasus is very weak in the early game and will find it difficult to farm early, as Aatrox should be able to walk up and zone him off of the wave. If you are allowing Nasus to go through, you have to slam him early. Don’t let him farm up too much; otherwise, the window for opportunity will slowly slip away.
Best Aatrox Duos League of Legends
According to Mobalytics, here are the best champions to play with Aatrox in League of Legends. Please note that this article will be updated as new patches are released. For more information on when a new League of Legends patch will be released, check out our patch schedule article here.
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