So in early May, Red Bull kicked off its 2v2 Red Bull Flick regional tournament circuit.
It’s meant to be full of crazy highlights and aim battles with a mix of amateurs and CS:GO pros, battling it out for a shot at €20,000.
And in the finals of the Finnish circuit, two players were caught cheating by the community, and FACEIT has since banned them from competing.
Let’s break down what the hell happened.
Written and Hosted By: Devin Jones (Milkshks)
Edited by: Matt Massey
All Footage Courtesy Of:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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Do you think Redbull and FACEIT could have done more to punish these cheaters?
yo that shirt tho
@4:23 far more likely FaceIt made an update to their anti-cheat without proper QA, so they didn't even notice that there was a new bug with the update that stopped the anti-cheat from flagging and banning certain kinds of cheats. Then they coincidentally get a flood of reports about these two dudes cheating, and realize their anti-cheat should have caught them on its own.
or they just lied and their anti-cheat was never able to catch these guys in the first place, but they wanted to save face.
far, far less likely a hacker gained direct access to their servers and deployed a modified anti-cheat. that has much greater implications, both in terms of security and legality
Burn the shirt
ayeee awsome stuff brotha
you got sum solid vidz honestly dude keep uploading and you'll do verry verrry guud! cheers man 
I see Bruce Springsteen
man of culture
MAAAAAAAAAAN I'm still waiting for that story on Gaules
Petition to make cheating in tournaments a crime and having to pay consequences like prison or paying money.
Such a terrible shirt, looks like those covers the barbers put on
XuCaaa BlaTT????
favorite guy on this channel
Your shirt just deleted my eyesight man .. But awesome video nonetheless!
“What the hell happened”
Someone cheated
The shirt he’s wearing is from H&M I like it.
If you cheating in a casino you will be prosecuted. Why those cunts who cheats in CS or any other eSport event are not? Basically they try to rob money. Isn't that a crime?
hmm that sprinsteen though
Can somebody help me with Faceit AC? i tried all things from their FAQ, but one might be my problem, my Win10 is lightweight version of build 18985.1.
Service is starting and goes away.
All forms have online games have cheats/cheaters .. even games like Dota and LoL
Faceit overwatch can ban toxic payers
I hope TheScoreEsports makes a second channel of just the there twitch highlights, i'd sub to that
This is why i stopped playing csgo, so sad i actually love this game very much
Cheats are way more hard to catch than you think they are. You can have cheats flash into your mice ROM, having it at most saving some files that will be deleted on the temp folder, but doing little things on memory and most on the mouse. One channel here MuriloRT showed one example of that, but people still want to believe that because it's on lan it's completely impossible to have cheats flashed into a keyboard or mice
80% of non pros in CSGO are hackers. What's new?
Thank you Redbull, for hosting a cool tournament where randoms could face off against the pros…and thank you for making everyone aware of it….so I could have tried to join, but hey…thanks for letting everyone know about the tournament…where, exactly? Did someone have to install Faceit to see that tournament info on the start page…or…where are these events posted? This is why I hate the disconnect between csgo and the pro scene. If you play MM, and let's say there was a perfect VAC system….that should be what you play to get on a pro team. It's hilarious that we have to resort to third-party clients that work with csgo just to find the real pros. It's very depressing.
i play Overwatch ranked and quickplay regularly since 2 years, and i have never encountered a cheater or heard anybody speak about it, there are a few things like smurfs or somr metas that upset me when playing, but cheating isn't one of them
VALVE and CSGO suck dont play anymore this game. Csgo is ungrateful with a regular players, VALVE only make money.
Maybe they banned them so ence could clear their name.
Wingman XD
someone needs to compile all of these types of theScore esports videos and make it into a podcast: the Don't @ Me podcast
as much as i wanna see evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvry hacker get a hardware ban across every game they play , so that they need to replace their entire pc to play again , extreme intrusive anticheats won't be able to launch everywhere due to law and regulations on privacy ,
heck my school got caught running a program during exams that scan your entire networks datapackets, and full blown supervisor level system entrance input logging including keystrokes of when people log into accounts aka they're stealing their passwords , , saying they only check it when they suspect fraud , but that the data is stored ………… on an US server where they don't give a flipping F about data privacy . the company is now facing huge fines and being banned in europe under the gdpr law
Where did ya buy ur shirt ???
The problem is that cheaters get around vanguard and riot has before given out data ti China do is it worth it after all??
And we still getting reported while we aren't cheating…
something that vac still can't do for mm!
I have an idea for a cs video. Do u remember when u said that the awp is the most iconic weapon cause it was in every cs game and cause its the most skillful way to dispose of enemies? Well , the awp it isn't the only weapon that does that, theres another one but for some reason its still the most underrated weapon in cs go. No im not talking about the shotguns , i am talking about the scout,or ssg08. Its almost as powerful as the awp but almost nobody uses it.
Torilla tavataan perkele
Why people dont understand its full of CHEATERS!
Its time to LEAVE CSGO!
“Suka blat”
Can u do a video about mobile esports??plss
What if those guys didn't cheat at all and faceit make false allegations on them just becoz they win against pro?
players now adays: cheating using aimlock wallhacks & anti-aim and only gets disqualified
IBUYPOWER members: am I a joke to you
Man in my opinion, i think the anti cheat of cs go should improve still.