From getting locked in the bathroom to Jankos locking in Evelynn, catch up all the voice comms from this week’s LEC, including our incredible base race with Fnatic!
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,, I was locked for like 10 minutes '' ????
1:37 Dawaj Q
It's so sad that both junglers fcked this game, 1 of them clicks R and it's GG and the other had a bad game.
Why no one in g2 dont like grabbz :C
Someone needs to cheer up Caps. He talks way less in champ select to be healthy for him.
Thx Mr. Jankos
lucian and the other guy
I wonder what Wunder doing during those 10minutes. ?
G2 toilet problems episode 9
Wunder: Don't ask me what to ban, bc I have no fucking clue
Jankos: Actually same
Seems like they were well prepared xD. Don't think they cared much about that game, although it was close in the end.
ok boys we had alot of fun at the end of regular split. Now its time to smurf in playoffs ok? Thak you thank you… G2 fighting!
I can watch this over and over again. Kudos to the editor!
Wheres mikyx?
I really like your humor and distance
Perkz finally reminding people that video games are played for fun! Too many people take it seriously
Okey, so Jankos is hyped after tea and after coffee …. After water propably too xD
Can i get that RP please? xD
Losing and still laughing. Now THAT'S A TEAM!
bronza pero perdisteis ahahahahha mancooooos
how do you miss a self high five?
What kinda bathroom do they have to get locked INSIDE it?? XD
Im wondering what would happen if wunder tpied to bot and hyli wont destroy the inhib
Promisq please start the game.