Since the beginning of competitive gaming, there have been tier lists.They weren’t as formal as they are now, but they did exist. Think back to playing games with your friends when you were kids.
Video games have always featured characters or strategies that are simply just better. But these days, tier lists aren’t just for video games. They’ve extended beyond them, into contentious subjects like movies, breakfast cereals and yes… even vegetables.
Written by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Hosted and Produced by: Miles Hackett (@Miles_Hackett)
Video Sources:
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
Sound Effects Courtesy: Soundsnap (
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Stack, turbo mode, pistols only, license to kill.
No oddjob.
other 3 players repeating in unison NOO ODDJOB!
11:22 : fortnite isn't an Esports.
Me: I see your a man of culture as well.
I'm not even mad at that Dota 2 in tier ZZZ. It deserves it. But we just love to play that shit game ?
When Axe starts playing Fox because he can't do it as Pika anymore
I think tier lists have their place but shouldn't be taken as seriously as they are now a days.
justin wong such a troll. What a fucking legend.
Your tier list is also some god-tier hate-bait. Shame you're so right about sc2 being dead, though…
i see this man knows his SC2 memes
i see Azur Lane cameo. i like vid
Spinach is god tier! Celery is bottom tier trash!
Do a Tier List ranking your co-corkers now 8)
Pokemon GO and H4 on SS tier list…I can dig
8:29 LMFAO!!!
hands down the worst/ corniest host on escore
S means sex debate/argument finished
I want to be a esport player
Fgo in s tier. I agree 100%
FEH Tier List is quite accurate. Tier 5 heroes is just useless.
Some parts of the vid are straightup bullshit. Using 2 different clips from ESAM and Zero after King Karool got nerfed into the ground …
You put the esports with the highest prize pool in history in Tier ZZZ?
SC2 Deceased oh my god that hurts
The S and SS mean Special and Special Smexy respectively.
Piranha Plant joined the group
Ngl Pokémon is S tier on the esports tier list
cough*cough bullshit
Is this implying that gamers invented tier lists? Lol- how about fantasy sports or just about anything – they’ve been around forever- this is so stupid.
Celery blows man, sorry to break it to you.
Why are u not making a video on mobile esports
Just a few months ago pubg and tencent hosted a tournament with a price pool of 2 million USD
Miles Pog
S means smockin. And that was a tear list, ranked by Miles' ability to play them
i love harada
What is throwing?
Tô see csgo below call of duty was really sad.
Till this day I'm upset at Justin Wong's cartoon tier list, and I know tier list are bullshit. But, man… that one hurt.