The LCK announces Sporting Financial Regulation, introducing salary cap and luxury tax for competitive…
EsportsLeague of Legends
LCS Pushes Back Their Starting Hours for the Spring Split With the Finals Heading to North Carolina
LCS bows to fans’ demands and makes changes to the broadcast start times. After…
EsportsLeague of Legends
North American LoL Circuit Is Moving to Weekdays Starting With the 2023 LCS Spring Split in January
LCS broadcast days are changing to Thursdays and Fridays starting with the new Spring…
EsportsLeague of Legends
LCO Will Have To Go Through the PCS Playoffs for Worlds Participation, Starting With the 2023 Season
League of Legends Circuit Oceania will see some format changes for their Worlds attendance.…
The highly talented Israelian prodigy will be replacing misutaaa on the starting roster effective…
After an almost two months-long break between LCS splits, NA’s Champions Queue Summer Season…
David has written for games media outlets for the last seven years. With his…
Fnatic has finally decided to put the rumors to bed by confirming their 2022…