Home Esports Overwatch League Breaks Regulations in Order to Allow Map Selection Repeats – esportsjunkie

Overwatch League Breaks Regulations in Order to Allow Map Selection Repeats – esportsjunkie

by Gabriel Hall

On August 30, the Overwatch League broke its own map selection rules during the first day of the playoff tournament. After completing the map, the league clarified the momentary lapse in regulations as a “match problem.”

At almost 12:30 CT, the Shanghai Dragons had a 3-1 draw, in first-to-four series with the Philadelphia Fusion. The kinds will be reiterated once the 4 map kinds have been performed after a contestant has been chosen as usual in Overwatch Ligue Playoff games.

The Philadelphia Fusion map was selected as the fifth map had already been lost. The second Hybrid map should be selected by both teams. King’s Row was chosen as a hybrid map earlier in the game. The Fusion only should have two decisions, Numbani and Eichenwalde, but the next plan was a re-play of King’s Row.

Caster Mitch “UberShouts” Leslie and Matt “Mr. The overwatch league rulebook obviously says” no map can be performed twice in a game. X “Morello seemed upset, but the choice was an interesting shift. The rules manual was shown to referees and casters by dedicated supporters in the arena. Social media fans quickly checked the rule book and wondered whether the map was incorrect.

King’s Row was won by Philadelphia and the series was up to 3-2. UberShouts and Mr. X disclosed that the Overwatch League permitted for a provisional departure from regulations following a commercial break. Numbani, one of the hybrid map options can not be chosen due to play problems. Numbani’s death would have compelled the Fusion to pick Eichenwalde; instead, King’s Row or Eichenwalde’s replay was given the Fusion.

This is not Numbani’s first time experiencing problems, but it has influenced professional practice for the first moment. For almost a month before the designers mentioned, earlier this year, Numbani vanished from Overwatch’s competitive mode map rotation. Unfortunately the lapse of the regulations was not enough for the Philadelphia merger, however, they said that they were “working hard to solve it.” They lost 4-2 points to the Shanghai Dragons. The playing-in will continue in the London Spitfire on 31 August at 2 PM CT.

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