Home Esports Reddit users make interesting suggestions to improve Apex Legends – esportsjunkie

Reddit users make interesting suggestions to improve Apex Legends – esportsjunkie

by Shehryar Raza

Since Apex is struggling to create content, the community has made some interesting suggestions recently on Reddit. Let’s have a comprehensive look into a couple of ideas which we believe that Respawn should really look into the future.

Introduction of third person view

An Apex Legends fan showed how Respawn Entertainment’s “battle royale” gameplay could look like if the game had a third-person view. The unusual perspective was received by the user due to the camera’s bug after his death. The game then allowed him to observe the actions of the opposing team.

The information about this camera bug was initially reported a few weeks ago, but now it can be viewed in more detail. In discussing the bug on reddit, many users suggested that a third-person view could make the game more exciting. In their opinion, such a camera angle would also be very useful for making highlights.

During the discussion, there were also those who were skeptical of the third person view in Apex Legends. They believe that then the developers would have to redo several abilities of the characters, especially for Bangalore and Mirage. Previously, Respawn Entertainment did not report on work on a third-person view of Apex Legends. Although similar perspectives recently appeared in Gears of War, Uncharted and The Division.

Is this 3rd person perspective normal when spectating? from r/apexlegends

Champions Mode

Apex Legends fan suggested Respawn Entertainment Studios to add to a game mode by name of “Champions Match ” for winning teams. It will give an opportunity to strong teams to compete with each other at a higher level.

The fan suggests that the “Champions Match ” should be a separate game for 20 teams, in which only the winning three teams fight for supremacy. As conceived by the author, these matches should be held on separate servers, and access to them will be opened only after winning a regular ranked game.

The author believes that the “Champions Match ” can give professional players more motivation and add sporting interest to the game. After winning these matches, teams should receive especially rare rewards: exclusive skins and looks, in-game currency or other items. The winners of the Champions Match would retain a pass to the next match, while other participants would have to prove their right to compete with the best teams after getting the victories in regular games.

According to the author of the topic on reddit, the main obstacle to this format will be the formation of the list of participants, which can take a long time.

We don’t know about the first one, but the second should really be picked up by the developers of the game. Since it will surely bring a breath of fresh air to the boring competitive atmosphere of the title.

If Respawn is not quick to make adapt these ideas, then we could see them getting picked by by Epic Games. Since the developers of Fortnite are not afraid to utilize the best features of their competitors.

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